Religious events cannot be held in the world on 2/3 consecutive days.
- It is seen that every year Ramadan is started & Eid is held in different countries worldwide on 2/3 consecutive days.
- If this is the rule for counting lunar months, then there will be 3 types of Arabic calendars in the world by showing or fixing up Hijri new year’s day i.e. 1st Muharram, Ashura i.e. 10th Muharram, 1st Ramadan, 27th Ramadan, Eidul Fitr, Eidul Azha on 2/3 days.
- Due to differences in dates, the above events will be held on 3 consecutive days in various areas of the world.
- Can Allah (swt) make such a queer, unjust and unnatural arrangement for one Muslim Ummah having one kalema and one religion Islam? The answer to this question will be, ‘absolutely no’.
- If we accept this misrule, then (a) Ramadan will commence on 3 consecutive days, (b) Eid will be held on 3 consecutive days, (c) Ashura will be held on 3 consecutive days, (d) Even Qiyamat is supposed to be held on 3 days covering 3 areas. What will you call it?
- The Islamic events of devoted Muslims, which are disturbed due to variations of lunar month, are enumerated as (a) Fard or compulsory fasting of Ramadan (b) The two Eids (c) Takbire Tashriq (d) Hajj (e) The animal sacrifice (f) zakat and sadaqa (g) Ashura (h) Shabe Qadr (i) Shabe Baraat (j) Fastings of other months (k) The Nafal prayers of every day& night (l) The Nafal prayers of every week/month etc.
- So, there should be one Islamic calendar for the entire mankind and entire Muslim Ummah must follow it, like one solar calendar.