Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode- 3 There will be only one lunar calendar for the whole world.

There will be only one lunar calendar for the whole world.

  1. Rasulallah (pbuh (has said that, “You keep fast after new-

Moon sighting & break the fasting by sighting new moon” i.e. observe Eid. [Ref: Bokhari Sharif, EPISODE Ramadan – 1775; Muslim Sharif, EPISODE Ramadan – 2371 & 2384]

  • In this Hadith, by the word “You” (plural), Rasul (pbuh) has addressed to the entire Muslim Ummah of the world and not any particular area/country.
  • Muslim Ummah of Rasul (pbuh (and Allah (swt)’s ‘Naas’ or mankind are living throughout the world. So, its meaning is one and the same. 
  • As such, there will be only one Islamic Calendar worldwide. The month will start on the same date and Ramadan/Eid is to be observed on the same date.
  • It may be mentioned that ‘Saom’ and lunar month’s calendar have got interrelation. Although Rasul (pbuh) did not say to calculate lunar months with the help Saom’s Hadith.

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