Engineer Muhammad Enamul Huq has put his scientific evidence in the form of a blueprint for the true explanation of astronomy from the Holy Quran – “Simple knowledge speaks about extraordinary things”. Various Islamic books written by him and his autobiography clearly show that his family education, religious values, deep faith in Allah(swt),  perseverance, questioning life, sincerity in studying Quran and Hadith, science practice with religious value, honesty, sincerity, integrity, character strength, responsibility alertness, efficiency, strong personality and research on performing Saom/Eid in ages are extraordinary. He can undoubtedly be called a timewinning revolutionary reformer for the Muslim Ummah in the 21st century due to his thought, research, interpretation and forecasting on observance of Saom and Eid in the light of Quran and Hadith. His outstanding explanation and analysis with evidence from Qur’an, Hadith and Astronomy on Saom/Eid throughout the ages are able to guide the Muslim Ummah in the future. His future prediction given in the front page of the book “LUNAR MONTH” written in 2012- “We shall have to observe Ramadan/Eid on the same day and date”- is now almost 100% on the way to implementation. As a true scientist, he has also proposed the creation of a “UNIVERSAL CALENDAR” for the human race in the light of the Qur’an. He hopes that since the Holy Qur’an is the true words of the Creator of the universe, by His will, his proposal will be fully implemented within the next half century.


The history of Saom and Eid is very long. But I will be brief. In the second year of Hijrah of the Prophet (PBUH), Saom for one month became obligatory on Muslims. Saom is one of the five pillars of Islam. Due to this, at least 78 scientific verses have been revealed in 39 surahs about movement of the earth, moon and sun. It is not easy to know and understand those verses. The function of the Hilal is only to start the month. And Sun’s job is to calculate all times including days, dates, weeks, months and years in both solar calendar and Hijri calendar. All these are said in the Quran and Hadith. And while measuring time, a date and time is taken in 24 hours with day and night. In this way weeks, months and years are calculated. To know how the earth, moon and sun move, it is very important to have good knowledge about astronomy.

The order of the Quran is to observe the Saom/Eid according to the Hilal. Not even once in the Qur’an is it said to see Hilal. But 1400 years ago it was not possible for the people to know astronomical calculations. Due to not knowing this calculation and also due to inability to exchange information, the Prophet (PBUH) advised all his Ummah through various Qawoli and Faili Hadiths to observe the obligatory Saom by observing Halal locally with the naked eye. 1400 years ago, all the Ummahs first lived in Madinah. So all his commands were applicable only to the people of Medina. Gradually, this Ummah has spread across the world through different countries and continents. As a result, all the hadiths of the Prophet (PBUH) have now become applicable to the Muslim Ummah as a whole.

But at present scholars living in different countries are unjustly dividing all the hadiths of Rasul (PBUH) into different countries like country divisions. They say that starting from the time of Rasool (PBUH) for hundreds of thousands of years, cities and towns have observed the Helal in every area. They are not willing to accept that this was done due to inability to calculate the Hilal and lack of communication. As a result, an illegal and undesirable culture has been developed in different countries through local observation of Hilal/Kwmar. By this way, the unity of the world Muslim Ummah is greatly damaged.

In 1986 Islamic Fiqh Academy of OIC has passed two historic resolutions that are quoted below:

First: If sighting of the crescent is established in one country, all Muslims must abide by it. The difference in horizon is not relevant because the ordinance for starting and ending the fasting is universal.

Second: It is mandatory to accept the sighting. However, one may get assistance from astronomical calculation and observatories with the consideration to the sayings of the Prophet(PBUH) and scientific facts.

The above decisions for the proper implementation of the instructions of Quran and Hadith were groundbreaking and correct steps in building unity of the Muslim Ummah. The first decision said that Hilal must be seen globally. As such it cannot be seen locally. All the Muslims of the world must comply with the global Hilal sighting in any country of the world. It also states that Hilal cannot be seen locally, because Saom is a universal worship. However, the local ignorant scholars do not accept it and in most of the cases, they are observing the Hilal or Qmaar in the sky of their own country. Because in the past Saom/Eid were done by observing Hilal locally. All faithful Muslims are suffering greatly due to such disorder. I find no reason to disregard the decisions of international Shariah experts of the Supreme Fatwa Board of the OIC. I think OIC has given this decision in the light of Sahih Sunan Annasai-2116 Hadith. However, for the past 38 years, inconsiderate local scholars are not allowing this decision to be fully implemented.

The second decision of the OIC states that observance of global Hilal is mandatory for all. Then the scientific reality can be accepted in the light of hadith. Its purpose is to follow the lunar calendar made as per astronomical calculation. In view of this decision, Muslim astronomers and Shariah experts of Saudi Arabia’s Umm Al-Qura University prepared the “Umm al-Qura Hijri Calendar” for the next 30 Hijri years in 1999. They prepared it by combining the Hilal calculation as per Holy Qur’an with the Hilal sighting in the Hadith. The Muslim Ummah can follow it and observe the Saom/Eid on the same day and date worldwide. Then there will be no need to see Helal at home or abroad.

Shariah experts at the Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA) prepared an “Islamic calendar” in 2018 with the help of astronomical calculations, by following the Umm Al-Qura Hijri calendar. I have personally checked that there is no difference between the “Umm al-Qura calendar” and the “Islamic calendar” in the dates of Saom and Eid until 2075. So it can be said that the Muslim Ummah can follow any one of them and observe Saom and Eid on the same day and date all over the world. Then there will be no need to see Hilal anywhere else in the world, inshallah. By doing this, all chaos and confusions regarding Saom and Eid that are currently prevailing in the whole world will go away.

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