Lunar Month Episode-27: Nomenclature of days and months in solar calendar are not acceptable in Islam. But there is no herm in accepting it for counting of time.

The names of weekdays and months in solar calendars were given during the period of idolatry (771-717BC).

The roman idol worshippers named the weekdays well before the birth of the Christ, as per names of their various gods/goddesses, which are as follows –

  1. Sun’s day          – named after sun God.
  2. Moon’s day       – named after moon God.
  3. Mars’s day        – named after Tiu or Tyr or Chief God.
  4. Mercury’s day    – named after chief God Odin’s Son.
  5. Jupiter’s day      – named after Odin or Woden or Nor’s chief God.
  6. Frigg’s day        – named after Frigg or Frija, who was the

  lovebird of chief God Odin.

  • Saturn’s day      – named after Roman God Saturn.

[Ref: http//] 

  • The Roman king Constantine converted himself to Christianity in the year 321, changed 4 names of weekdays as per names actual gods/goddesses and  nicely renamed the 7 days of the week as under, which remained unchanged till today –

(a) Sunday (b) Monday (c) Tuesday (d) Wednesday (e) Thursday

(f) Friday (g) Saturday.

[Ref: http//]

  • Similarly, the names of the months in Gregorian calendar or solar calendar have been given mainly according to the names of the Roman idol Gods/Goddesses, which are as under:-
  • January         – named after God Janus the Sentry of Roman’s


  • February       – named after Februas, who was considered the

  Roman’s God of death.

  • March          – named after Mars the Roman war God.
  • April             – named after Roman beauty Goddess Aprilis, as it was

  a month of Venus.

  • May – named after Roman beauty Goddess Maia Majestas.
  • June             – named after Roman Goddess Juno, the wife of God


  • July – named after Roman king Julius Caesar.
  • August          – named after 1st Roman king Augustus.
  • September – named as seventh month Septem, during the rule of

  Roman King Romulus.

  • October        – named as Octo 8th month during the rule of Roman

  king Romulus.

  • November    – named as Novem or 9th month during the rule of

  Roman king Romulus.

  • December     – named as Decem or 10th month during the rule of

  Roman king Romulus.

[Ref: http//]

It is upto your judgment, whether a calendar which is named after the names of Gods/Goddesses, can be hanged in the house of a devoted Muslim or in a mosque? Even after that, we are doing it, because we are generally unaware about it. I think, even the Jews and Christians also can’t use this calendar as they are not idol worshippers.

In a similar way, Calendars prepared in other languages contain elements of moment, sign of the zodiac lunar day planet and star, power of rule or idolatry.

But there is no difference between the counting of day/time (24 hours) given in solar calendar and counting of day/time (24 hours) given in lunar calendar.

As there is no mention of lunar month in solar calendar, it can not be acceptable in Islam for these purposes.

In the same world, we can’t accept different Hijri calendars.

Many countries of the world are following KSA in this regard. They are observing various religious functions as per “Ummul Qura”.

The local prayer time is available in Lunar calendar, as it is available in solar calendar.

So, it is essential for us to, reject the idolatric calendar without lunar counting prepared by non-believers and idol-worshippers and follow single Lunar or Hijri calendar as directed by Allah (swt).

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