Lunar month Episode-30: No defective system can be Allah (swt)’s system.

  1. Allah (swt) Himself is free from all defaults.
  2. Allah (swt) has said in Sura Mulk 67:3 Ayat, “You will not find any defect in my creation.”
  3. As such, there can have no defect in Allah (swt)’s system. For this reason Allah’s (swt) rule do not change, but man-made rule changes.
  4. 4.No defective system can be a system of Allah (swt).
  5. The very saying of Sura Mulk is that “to Allah (swt), the world is nothing but a state”.
  6. All the people of the world, whether pious or sinner are the same slaves of Allah (swt).
  7. In the one world, for one human race, there cannot be more than one new moon in the same month. Therefore, there cannot be more than one lunar calendar.
  8. Allah (swt) has not ordered to make such defective arrangements.
  9. Those who say like that or do like that, do it without knowing the rule of Allah (swt).
  10. ‘Kullu Moslimin Ikhwatun’, if this is true, then in this state of Allah (swt) ‘one brother will observe Eid and another brother will keep fast at the same day’ – this cannot be Allah (swt)’s rule.
  11. In a solar calendar, if the day & date can be same for the whole world, then in a lunar calendar the day & date must have to be same. Friday and Jum’a Salat are the clear examples for this.
  12. The scientists have already indicated in ‘world almenac,’ as to where and when 12 new moons will begin in months and how long they will be lasting.
  13. By following this almenac, we can make a single Islamic calendar and use it for all purposes.
  14. If the earth cannot be one, then how the solar calendar could be one?
  15. As such, we have to give up all these indisciplines and follow one Hijri calendar in the world.
  16. This is the fault free universal system of Allah (swt), who is free from all defaults.
  17. Therefore, we should give up all bad practices, indisciplines and mistakes to immediately adopt defectless system of Allah (swt) & follow it.

Lunar Month Episode-29 There is no difficulty in implementing lunar calendar in the present day world.

  1. At present solar calendar is being used worldwide.
  2. There is no harm using the facilities derived out of it.
  3. The ordinance of Islamic Shari‘ah is to follow lunar calendar.
  4. The problem lies with the creation of unnecessary differences (2/3 nos.) in Lunar calendar.
  5. If we follow the orders of the Holy Qur’an, then this problem will die down.
  6. The initiative taken by a person for discharging his religious responsibilities should be encouraged rather than wishing oneness of world community.
  7. It becomes a must (fard) in one’s life, when he/she learns about orders of Allah (swt).
  8. There is no scope to get rid from the clutches of Allah (swt), on the plea of someone else.
  9. There is no scientific basis of the acts, which are being followed in Bangladesh. I do not know how some people may think that these practices will be acceptable to Allah (swt) from the viewpoint of Shari‘ah.
  10. I, therefore, suggest all to follow my proposed “World Hijri Calendar”. This is the nearest to accuracy.
  11. Even if we follow “Ummul Qura Calendar”, then our quantum of errors will go down to a bare minimum.
  12. But we cannot neglect Hadiths of Rasul (pbuh). We have to follow them with full faith.
  13. In this regard, the question and answer given in serial-37 may please be referred to.
  14. Mistakes committed in so many past years, need some time to overcome. I do not see any shortcut way to it.
  15. But it should be done within the shortest possible time. Otherwise, we shall become liable to Allah (swt).

Lunar Month Episode-28: The namings of Lunar calendar is generally acceptable.

  1. The Lunar calendar is Allah (swt)’s calendar. Because most of its names and counting are given in the Holy Qur’an.
  2. Soon after performing Holy Hijrat in Madina on Monday, 24th September 622 AD, i.e., 12th Rabiul Awwal, Rasul (pbuh) directed to start counting New Year. To honor this event of Hijrat, counting of Hijri Calendar started from the same year.
  3. To honor the first month of eventful Hijri year, the counting of 1st day of the month of Muharram was back-dated by 2 months and 8 days before the Hijrat was performed by Rasualullah (pbuh).
  4. To bring equality between Christian solar calendar and Arabic lunar calendar, an additional Lunar month was added with every 3rd Hijri year by the Arabs as a matter of common practice at that time. 
  5. But before the departure of Rasul (pbuh), in the 10th Hijri year, Allah (swt) bestowed the directive in Sura Towba 9: 36, 37 Ayat by saying “In His law, the number of months are 12 (not less & not more)”.
  6. That is why, from 11th Hijri year, the counting of an additional month in the 3rd year had been discontinued.
  7. As per ancient customs and practices  in Arab world, the Islamic names of weekdays are numerically given below-       
  8. Yawmul ahad      :    means 1st day i.e. Sunday
  9. Yawmul isnayin    :    means 2nd day i.e. Monday
  10. Yawmus Salasa    :    means 3rd  day i.e. Tuesday
  11. Yawmul Arbaa     :    means 4th  day i.e. Wednesday
  12. Yawmul Khams    :    means 5th  day i.e. Thursday
  13. Yawmul Jmma     :    means 6th  day i.e. Friday
  14. Yawmus Sabt      :    means 7th  day i.e. Saturdayss
  15. The naming of the week days were made on the basis of enumeration which were universal and acceptable to all. 
  16. Moreover, names of most of the months are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, which being related with various events of mankind is very much significant and meaningful.
  17. Naming of Hijri months are as under:-
  18. Muharram: A holy month, the 1st month of the year. Hostilities or war forces in this month are strictly prohibited.
  19. Safar: A month of traveling, the 2nd month of the year.
  20. Rabiul Awwal: 1st spring month, 3rd month of the year.
  21. Rabius Akher/Sani: The last spring month, the 4th month of the year.
  22. Jamadiul Ula/Awwal: The 1st dry month, 5th month of the year.
  23. Jamadius Ukhra/Sani: The last dry month, the 6th month of the year.
  24. Rajab: The month of respect, the 7th month of the year. Battle is prohibited.
  25. Shabaan: The month of greenery, the 8th month of the year.
  26. Ramadan: The month of Saom, the 9th month of the year.
  27. Shawwal: The month to connect, the 10th month of the year.
  28. Zilqed: The month of rest and recreation and holy one, the 11th month of the year. Battle is prohibited.
  29. Zilhajj: The month of Hajj and very holy one. Battle in this month is forbidden.
  30. In the namings of Hijri month, we find traces of Ahle Kitaab and Arab world culture. Yet these were acceptable to the mankind worldwide, as they contain universal trend of thought.
  31. Therefore, we have to follow Allah (swt)’s calendar which is made from earth, moon and sun’s movements.
  32. But one is struck with wonder when one sees in disgust that the Jews, Christians and Muslims i.e. Ahle Kitaabs hang idolatry calendar in their houses and honor the names of Gods and Goddesses.
  33. Let us all reject the solar calendar which is full of idolatry and return from the negative path of Satan and follow a single calendar worldwide.

Lunar Month Episode-27: Nomenclature of days and months in solar calendar are not acceptable in Islam. But there is no herm in accepting it for counting of time.

The names of weekdays and months in solar calendars were given during the period of idolatry (771-717BC).

The roman idol worshippers named the weekdays well before the birth of the Christ, as per names of their various gods/goddesses, which are as follows –

  1. Sun’s day          – named after sun God.
  2. Moon’s day       – named after moon God.
  3. Mars’s day        – named after Tiu or Tyr or Chief God.
  4. Mercury’s day    – named after chief God Odin’s Son.
  5. Jupiter’s day      – named after Odin or Woden or Nor’s chief God.
  6. Frigg’s day        – named after Frigg or Frija, who was the

  lovebird of chief God Odin.

  • Saturn’s day      – named after Roman God Saturn.

[Ref: http//] 

  • The Roman king Constantine converted himself to Christianity in the year 321, changed 4 names of weekdays as per names actual gods/goddesses and  nicely renamed the 7 days of the week as under, which remained unchanged till today –

(a) Sunday (b) Monday (c) Tuesday (d) Wednesday (e) Thursday

(f) Friday (g) Saturday.

[Ref: http//]

  • Similarly, the names of the months in Gregorian calendar or solar calendar have been given mainly according to the names of the Roman idol Gods/Goddesses, which are as under:-
  • January         – named after God Janus the Sentry of Roman’s


  • February       – named after Februas, who was considered the

  Roman’s God of death.

  • March          – named after Mars the Roman war God.
  • April             – named after Roman beauty Goddess Aprilis, as it was

  a month of Venus.

  • May – named after Roman beauty Goddess Maia Majestas.
  • June             – named after Roman Goddess Juno, the wife of God


  • July – named after Roman king Julius Caesar.
  • August          – named after 1st Roman king Augustus.
  • September – named as seventh month Septem, during the rule of

  Roman King Romulus.

  • October        – named as Octo 8th month during the rule of Roman

  king Romulus.

  • November    – named as Novem or 9th month during the rule of

  Roman king Romulus.

  • December     – named as Decem or 10th month during the rule of

  Roman king Romulus.

[Ref: http//]

It is upto your judgment, whether a calendar which is named after the names of Gods/Goddesses, can be hanged in the house of a devoted Muslim or in a mosque? Even after that, we are doing it, because we are generally unaware about it. I think, even the Jews and Christians also can’t use this calendar as they are not idol worshippers.

In a similar way, Calendars prepared in other languages contain elements of moment, sign of the zodiac lunar day planet and star, power of rule or idolatry.

But there is no difference between the counting of day/time (24 hours) given in solar calendar and counting of day/time (24 hours) given in lunar calendar.

As there is no mention of lunar month in solar calendar, it can not be acceptable in Islam for these purposes.

In the same world, we can’t accept different Hijri calendars.

Many countries of the world are following KSA in this regard. They are observing various religious functions as per “Ummul Qura”.

The local prayer time is available in Lunar calendar, as it is available in solar calendar.

So, it is essential for us to, reject the idolatric calendar without lunar counting prepared by non-believers and idol-worshippers and follow single Lunar or Hijri calendar as directed by Allah (swt).

Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode – 26 We must re-establish Muslim unity & Universal brotherhood by breaking thousand years’ old barrier of irregularity.

  1. Allah (swt) has given detailed information about the necessity and functioning of sun, moon, planets, stars & day-night in more than 72 ayats of more than 38 suras of the Holy Qur’an.
  2.  So above numbered sura & ayats, together with their meaning and explanations have been enclosed in 3 parts in chapter two of this book for information of all.
  3. To minimize the size of this book, no Hadith, Fatwa or Rewayet have been quoted further.
  4. Regarding Qur’an nobody defers in opinion. But there exist differences of opinion regarding some Hadith, Fatwa & Rewayet. Yet, in urgent cases, Sahih Hadiths were quoted as per requirement.
  5. So, I sincerely believe and strongly hope that from now, the long standing controversies among Muslim Ummah will be uprooted and unity & brotherhood will be restored and Islamic Shari‘ah will be established firmly worldwide. In addition by using a unified single World Hijri Calendar, we will be able to perform all religious events not at a time or not all together but on the same day and date.