Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode- 5 We have to obey Allah (swt)’s order, Rasul (pbuh)’s instruction and opinion given by 4 Mazhabs & OIC.

We have to obey Allah (swt)’s order, Rasul (pbuh)’s instruction and opinion given by 4 Mazhabs & OIC.

  1. As I know, the OIC, which was established in 1969 AD, had held 33 meetings of the Foreign Ministers. Of them, in the 13th, 14th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 25th, 26th, 32nd and 33rd meetings, discussions were made on “Unified Hijri Calendar for the beginning of the Lunar months & unification of Islamic Holidays” after discussion.
  2. Moreover, out of 12 Islamic Summit Conferences held so far, in 4 meetings including 8th, 9th & 10th, discussion & decision have been made on the above issue.
  3. The part organization of OIC i.e. Islamic Feqh Academy has given the following decisions back in 1986 –

First: If sighting of the crescent is established in one country, all Muslims must abide by it. The difference in horizon is not relevant because the ordinance for starting and ending the fasting is universal.

Second:   It is mandatory to accept the sighting. However, one may get assistance from astronomical calculation and observatories with due consideration to the sayings of the Prophet (Pbuh) and scientific facts. [Ref: Last pages of Chapter three]

  • But such a decision could not be implemented effectively due to lack of a favourable response from the Heads of states of Islamic world.
  • Some inexperienced Alems of these countries are also greatly responsible for this. Because, they are incapable to analyze Allah (swt)’s desire & Rasul (pbuh)‘s instruction in the light of science. They prefer to follow old sayings. To them, I have a question. While you taught Alif, Be, Te, Se in Bangladesh before independence, then why do you teach Alif, Ba, Ta, Sa now? It means that the previous system was wrong. As such it needed correction.
  • Many Ulama of this sub-continent used to say that, (a) it is forbidden to read English, (b) to offer prayer using the mike is forbidden, (c) to view TV is Haraam. Now they do not say so. They even hesitate to curse western democracy and women leadership.
  • If somebody tells about uniform starting of lunar month

i.e. new moon, they argue with time differences due to sun-rise variation. They mess up the moon with the sun without understanding their differences in movement.

  • They do not want to understand that salat is related only with the Sun and not at all with the moon. The Arabic month starts & ends with the new moon, while sun-rise is needed for counting days only. The relationship of sun & moon has been narrated to us by Almighty Allah (swt) in various suras of the Holy Qur’an, especially in 10:5, 13:2, 21:33, 35:13 (part), 36:38, 39:40 ayats. We cannot drag the sun in the affairs of the moon. Each has different function.
  • I feel sorry for those who, are disregarding the sayings of Allah (swt) to the mankind (Annaas), those who are not following the instructions of Rasul (pbuh (to the Muslim Ummah, those who are ignoring the opinion of famous 3 Imams of 4 Madhabs and finally for those who are opposing the decision of OIC. Are they not helping destruction of Islam by keeping the entire Muslim Ummah into various decisions and confusions?
  • The non-Muslims trickle such decisions among the Muslims and relish it by keeping it alive. So they are not allowing their friendly Muslim countries to observe Ramadan/Eid on the same date.

Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode- 4 90% opinion of 4 Madhabs is that the boundary of a country is not the pre-condition for new-moon sighting.

90% opinion of 4 Madhabs is that the boundary of a country is not the pre-condition for new-moon sighting.

  1. 3 Imams including Abu Hanifa® from 4 Madhabs have said that, boundary of any country is not the pre-condition for sighting a new-moon. Even they said, fasting will become wajeb in the East, if the new-moon is sighted in the West. [Ref: Al-Helal, written by Dr. Abdullah Al-Maaruf–1988, pages – 2, 3, 4]
  2. The 4th Imam Shafeyi (Ra) had supported it. Then he said,

on the basis of area, new-moon can be sighted. [Ref: Dr. Abdullah Al Maaruf’s Al Helal – 1988, pages 5, 6]

  • So, 90% opinion of 4 Mazhabs goes in favour of observing Ramadan/Eid & other religious events on the same date.
  • More than 95% Muslims of Bangladesh are the followers of Hanafi Madhab. As such, it is more logical for us to follow the decision of majority Imams including Abu Hanifa®.
  • Surprisingly, it is not understood why Bangladesh became follower of Shafeyi Mazhab (Partial) in this respect?
  • So, leaving aside observing Ramadan/Eid on the basis of country/area, the entire Muslim Ummah should observe Ramadan/Eid on the same date, after sighting the first new-moon anywhere in the world.

Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode- 3 There will be only one lunar calendar for the whole world.

There will be only one lunar calendar for the whole world.

  1. Rasulallah (pbuh (has said that, “You keep fast after new-

Moon sighting & break the fasting by sighting new moon” i.e. observe Eid. [Ref: Bokhari Sharif, EPISODE Ramadan – 1775; Muslim Sharif, EPISODE Ramadan – 2371 & 2384]

  • In this Hadith, by the word “You” (plural), Rasul (pbuh) has addressed to the entire Muslim Ummah of the world and not any particular area/country.
  • Muslim Ummah of Rasul (pbuh (and Allah (swt)’s ‘Naas’ or mankind are living throughout the world. So, its meaning is one and the same. 
  • As such, there will be only one Islamic Calendar worldwide. The month will start on the same date and Ramadan/Eid is to be observed on the same date.
  • It may be mentioned that ‘Saom’ and lunar month’s calendar have got interrelation. Although Rasul (pbuh) did not say to calculate lunar months with the help Saom’s Hadith.

Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode- 2 We shall have to calculatet a day by sun, a month by moon and a year by 12 months.

We shall have to calculatet a day by sun, a month by moon and a year by 12 months.

  1. Scientifically bountiful Allah (swt) has made a well- organized natural arrangement for entire mankind of the world by calculation days and months with the help of His created sun & moon.
  2. Every day, new sun rises. Therefore, a complete day is to be counted with the help of sun-rise and sun-set.
  3. By this way, one Friday ends with 24 hours time throughout the whole world. We all offer our Jum’a Salat on the same Friday and date, when the sun is inclined to the west in our own areas. In the same way we offer our 5 waqt salat within 24 hours every day.
  4. Every month in the world, the new moon rises once only. It means, we have to start the month with the help of a new moon. Is not the purpose of creating the moon laying in it?
  5. For the whole world, there is one sun and one moon. The sun makes a day and as such moon will make a month.
  6. In ayat 9:36 of Sura Towba, Allah (swt) has clearly said that ‘from the creation of heavens and earth, the total number of months are 12 as per His rule.’ So 12 months will make 1 year.
  7. If we follow Islamic Calendar (day, month, year), the various religious events (Fasting, Eid etc) will rotate throughout all the seasons of the year (one cycle in 33 solar years). Scientifically bounteous Allah (swt) wishes the same. There is Hikmah (technique) in it.
  8. But, the Christian & Bangla calendars have not been made as per law of Allah (swt). The religious events do not rotate throughout the year in these calendars.
  9. I feel sorry, when I find the mention of above Islamic rule through 72 ayats of 38 suras of Holy Qur’an. Even then the Muslim Ummah remains unaware and is groping in the darkness for decades.
  10. In the Hadiths of Rasul (pbuh), there are instructions to follow above rules by Muslim Ummah of the world.
    [Ref: Bokhari Sharif, EPISODE Ramadan, Hadith1773 to 1779 and Muslim Sharif – Ramadan EPISODE, Hadith – 2366, 2371, 2381, 2382, 2383, 2398, 2399]
  11. Those who plunged the Muslim Ummah in such a big indiscipline will very soon be liable to Allah (swt). Because they could not understand, that Allah (swt) knows everything and as such, creating division about new moon & spoiling the Akhirat (destiny) of pious Muslims. They destroyed the unity of Muslim Ummah by creating such differences.

Lunar Month Chapter : 1 , Episode-1 Aallah (swt) has created new moon to start counting of lunar month

1. In Sura Baqara, Ayat 2: 189 (part), Allah (swt) has said that, “They ask you or want to know from you about the new moons. Tell them, these (new moons) are starters of (calculation) of time (months) for entire mankind (linnaas) & for Hajj”. So the Hijri month is counted with the help of a new moon. This is the saying of Allah (swt) for entire mankind (linnaas) and not for any particular race or state. As such, a Unified Hijri year has to be counted in the entire world, based on calculation of lunar months.

2. Allah (swt) has said, in this ayat, about 12 (twelve) new moons by using the word “Ahillati”, which is the plural of the word “Helal” or new moon. Or in other words, Allah (swt) has directed entire mankind of the world to start 12 lunar months with 12 new moons.

3. Again by using the word “Mawakitu”, which is the plural of

the word “Mikaat” or to determine timings, Allah (swt) has directed to determine the starting of 12 months. I do not understand why the translators around the world cannot place the correct meaning of the ayat.

4. Question arises as to why the Muslim Ummah is following different monthly & yearly calendars by deviating from the path of Allah (swt).

5. The Christian months & years are counted as per sun-rise and sun-set only. This is not the following of Allah (swt)’s above-mentioned direction. Because, the moon has got no place in their calendar.

6. The Arabic month starts & ends with new moon. But in the month of Ramadan, fasting is started by sunrise & sun-set, although the month starts with a new moon.

7. The difference between one sun-rise to another sun-rise is 24 hours. This is a Bengali day.

8. Similarly, difference between one sun-set to another sun-set is 24 hours. This is an Islamic day.

9. In the entire world, wherever new moon of Ramadan will be sighted after the sunset, the month of Ramadan will begin from there.

10. Because, rest of the countries will have night & day in next 24 hours. In Islam calculation of a day is started from Magreb.

11. As such, it is possible to observe Ramadan & Eid from the same date, within the cycle of 24 hours and not at the same time or all together.

Few words from the author (Lunar Month)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.

This is translation of the 9th edition of my Bengali book “Chandromash”. About 20 years back, I had the opportunity to go though once the book “Al Helal” written by Dr Abdullah Al Maruf, on Ramadan, Eid & Moon. There was little scope for me to think about the matter, as I was lacking the knowledge of Qur’an and Hadith at that time. While searching for the root cause of creating differences in observing Ramadan/Eid worldwide in last few years, I felt the need of writing this book. As I kept thinking on it, the matter started getting clear to me gradually. The matter is in fact within the purview of Qur’an, Hadith and Astronomical science Ummah. There is no scope for analyzing the issue of Lunar month so differently. Because there is no defect in Allah (swt) arrangement, which is otherwise accommodative of all encountering scientific offerings. The problem has, in fact, been created by mankind. There cannot be any alternative to making a single Lunar Calendar for the mankind in one universe, based on one Sun & one Moon; in this day of globalization.

After reaching the 21st century, science has reached an unprecedented progress. In the light of this progress, if the instructions given in science-oriented Qur’an are analyzed, then one can see that our religious events are not being followed as per Shari‘ah. So it has been proved possible that the Muslim Ummah can be united by making and following single Islamic Calendar worldwide by combining and following the latest statistics of astronomical science and in accordance with Qur’an and Sunnah. According to that, I have given calendars in 3rd chapters for  1432, 1433 and 1434 Hijri years. It is now a demand of present day to establish Islamic Shari‘ah firmly after realizing this truth and then following it in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah. If this rule of nature as created by Allah (swt), which is full of science, is not accepted, then it will imply neglecting or disobeying Creator’s rule in respect of the universe.

If we can bring the matter of analyzing Shari‘ah within the purview of Astronomy, only then we will find a solution. Due to overall deficiency of knowledge, the solution could not be achieved as yet. In fact, the sun & moon and day & night are the natural creation of Allah (swt). Allah (swt) & His Rasul (pbuh) had instructed to obey this rule of nature. Different Ulama translated the same Qur’an in the same language in different ways. Because, everyone is not a master and do not have equal knowledge on all subjects, there has to be difference of opinion. Due to lack of optimum knowledge, even the issue of Lunar Month has been understood by certain Alims in one way, explained in that particular way and instructed those to be followed in a certain way. Therefore, for decades, a difference of opinion had been created among Muslim Ummah or the entire mankind about Lunar Month and an unnecessary difficulty is being faced for following teachings of Islam. Since there is a dire need for easy solution of this man-made problem, I had to venture in writing this book.

In the first chapter of the book, the main topics were presented

in 61 episodes, which are based on Qur’an, Hadith, Astronomical Science and other logical analysis. In the second chapter references of 38 Surahs 72 ayats, the meanings of them and their explanations and comments have been given. In the 3rd chapter I have given scientific facts with calendars. In the 4th chapter I have given answers to 75 important questions, on matters of Lunar Month as may come from the common readers. These informations clearly prove & direct that a single Islamic Lunar calendar is needed to be followed universally. Only then it wii be possible to observe Ramadan, Eid & other religious festivals on the same date throughout the world. The book is not meant for any area, country or any locality, but has been written for entire mankind and specially for Muslim

Repetitions may be found in many places in this book, which may annoy the readers that I could not avoid in order to maintain continuity of analyzing the subject matter and emphasizing inner meaning in an easy way. The problem is thousand years old & a knotty one, whose solution is a must. Because with it is related all the receipts and liabilities of true devoted Muslim, in this world and the world hereafter. If you cannot start the Lunar month correctly, then all your prayers of the month can not be correct. People may dare neglecting it, but I don’t dare at all. This led me to embark upon this little venture, whose success is totally dependent on the unbounded mercy of Almighty Rabbul A’lamin. I sincerely hope that my book “Lunar Month” which is based on this standpoint will show ways to mankind & specially the Muslim Ummah. Almighty Allah (swt) will not surely deprive me of a success achievable through my effort. If the thousand years old indiscipline is removed, then I will feel that my effort and expectation of life bore a result.

I can deserve a return from Allah (swt). Once again I appeal & suggest to Muslim Ummah not to waste time in rectifying the meaning of Sura Baqara’s Ayat 189 (part) & establish a historical reform and unitedly obey rule of nature given to us by Allah (swt). Let us not waste the gifted rewards of this world & of the world hereafter.


Engr. Mohammad Enamul Huq


Presently, world Muslim Ummah is following 2/3 Hijri Calendars and performing Ramadan/Eid in 2/3 days country wise. Whereas, order of Allah is existing in Qur’an to perform Ramadan/Eid worldwide on the same day. But we do not know it, understand it and as such do not obey it. We count a day by 24 hours and within this time perform salat five times. Allah instructed the mankind to count months on the basis of new moons. But we do not do it or knowingly avoid it. We are habituated to count a year by 365 days. As such, our solar year becomes 11 days more in comparison to the Hijri year of 12 lunar months. At present, we can prepare Unified Single World Hijri Calendar on the basis of Qur’an, Sunnah and Astronomical science. Only 4/5 countries including Bangladesh, India and Pakistan count 12 lunar months by naked-eye moon-sighting within their own territory. All other countries in the world follow Hijri Calendar by calculation on the basis of Astronomical science. It is quite possible to perform Ramadan/Eid on the same day, if Hijri Calendar is followed by the world Muslim Ummah. But we do not do this. As a result, our 2 out of 5 main religious functions i.e. Ramadan and Hajj together with many other Fard, Wajib, Sunna & Nafal prayers are getting spoiled.

Procedure for calculation of Lunar Month and Real Hijri Calendar :-

  1. Hijri year counting: There is no Hadith regarding number of months that will make a Hijri year. The reason is Qur’an, which has said about 1430 years before in Sura At-Tawba, Ayat 9:36 that, “From the day of creation of the skies and earth, the number of months are 12 in His law.” As such, we count a Hijri year with 12 lunar months.
  •  Lunar month counting : Hadith says that, “You start fasting by seeing new-moon and give up fasting by seeing new-moon.” This Hadith tells us how we shall keep fasting in the month of Ramadan. Rasul (Pbuh) did not give us any ‘sanad’ (permission) to  count 12  lunar months with the help of this ‘Saom’s’ Hadith . Again no such Hadtih is said by Rasul (Pbuh) as to how 12 lunar months are to be counted. There is only one reason behind this. And that reason is Sura Baqara, Ayat 2:189 (part) which says, “They ask you about the (12) new-moons. Say, these are the starters (of 12 months) for the mankind and (fixing date) for Hajj”. As such, the mankind will have to start 12 lunar months with the help of 12 new-moons. In that case, we shall get a single lunar month worldwide whereby all of us will be able to start Ramadan or perform Eid on the same day. Qur’an do not tell us to see the new moon. But Saom’s Hadith tells us to see the new-moon, because at that time it was not possible to count lunar months as per instructions of Holy Qur’an. That is why Rasul (pbuh) has shown us the best possible way through Hadith at that time. In the same manner, it can be said that Hadiths for determining Salat timings with the help of shadow of stick were the best possible way at that time. Now, we almost have forgotten the Hadiths of Salat by getting watch. By this, no Hadith can be said to have been abandoned. Although no Hadith is available for using watch, we perform our ‘Salat’ & ‘Saom’ with the help of it. In the same way, by following a unified single lunar month, we can perform ‘Saom/Eid in one day. Both are the contributions of Modern Science.
  • Counting of Days : Hadith says that, ‘29/30 days make a lunar month.’ For this reason, we need to count days. Again, we find in many Ayats of the Holy Qur’an that one night and one day make a complete day. Moreover, within a complete day of 24 hours, performing five times salat is made compulsory for us by Allah. Muslim Ummah counts a complete day from one sunset to another sunset. As such, presently, we count a day in second, minute and hour by watch, which is legalized by the Islamic world.
  • Hijri Calendar : Allah has said in Sura Ar-Rahman, Ayat 55:5 that, “The sun and the moon move according to definitely fixed calculations.” As such, we count a day by sun, a lunar month by moon and a Hijri year by 12 months. This is, in fact, the system of Allah prescribed for the whole mankind of the world and is called Hijri Calendar. But we do not know it or even do not try to understand it. Allah is so great that He has given all of us such a unique natural process for our convenience.  But we have accepted the first part of His Ayat (55:5) and kept in abeyance the second part of it. How come, it is possible. Scientists have prepared Hijri Calendar upto 4999 by calculation. But, we should remember that, a Real Hijri Calendar will coincide with the new-moon and full-moon stages and will ensure new-moon sighting from any place of the world. We should, therefore, follow this Real Hijri calendar of Allah and perform Ramadan/Eid etc. on the same day/date throughout the whole world.

Some related facts : –

  1. Seeing has got 3 meanings:  i) Seeing by naked eye,  ii) Seeing by the eye of knowledge and  iii) Seeing through dream. An easy example of the first two meanings is Dhaka-London flight. The plane will be visible for some time by naked eye at the beginning and at the end of the flight. But at the middle, the plane will remain invisible to us. For this we are to blame our limited eye sight and not the plane itself. As such, we must have to see the plane by the eye of knowledge, during the unseen period, with the help of telescope or by gathering information through wireless communication.
  1. New-moon (Black-moon or Dark-moon) : During the first-half-day and last-half-day of any lunar month we shall never see the narrow moon by naked eye from any place on the earth which is 240 thousand miles away from the moon. During rest of the period, we shall see the increasing & decreasing moon by naked eye. But during the new-moon (i.e. black or dark-moon) stage the increasing new-moon and decreasing old-moon exists in the sky. At this time, we shall have to see the moon by the eye of knowledge with the help of telescope or by calculation as per Qur’an (2:189-part, 55:5). This unseen period of the thin moon is called new-moon (black or dark-moon) stage. But the real new moon or ‘Hilal’ starts at  the middle of dark stage. It means that, the ‘Qur’anic Lunar month’ starts from the middle of the dark stage of the moon.
  1.  Salat timings : Muslims perform all salats depending upon local position of the sun. Accordingly, Friday’s Jum’a Salat is performed on the same day & date within 24 hours by the world Muslim Ummah, at about 1pm as per local time of every place. In the same way all salats (including Eid salats) are to be performed by maintaining time differences word over. It proves that a Unified World Hijri Calendar is to be followed by us. In that case, Bangladesh will be able to start ‘Saom’ and perform Eid salats 3hours before Saudi Arabia on the same day & date. As a result 1or 2 days delay will be automatically abolished. 
  1.  Full-moon occurs at the middle of the month: – Full-moon generally occurs during sunset of the 14th day of every lunar month. But as per local Hijri calendar and local pocket calendar books of Bangladesh, full-moon occurs during sunset of the 12th day of the lunar month. A lunar month which do not match with the new-moon and full-moon stages, cannot be called a lunar month. For this reason 2/3 Hijri caledars are being used in different places of the world.
  1. Holy Hajj : Everybody in the present day world can see through TV that Holy Hajj is being held in the field of Arafa in Mecca on the 9th of Jilhajj every year. Due to 2/3 types of Hijri calendar, this date will vary in other countries. What  they will do with the separate dates of  9th Jilhajj ? Hence, it can be said that Eidul Adha salat and ‘Qurbani’ of other two groups are definitely getting spoiled every year. The fate of their Ramadan and Eidul Fitr Salat must be the same. It proves that there will be only one Hijri Calendar in the world.
  1. Qiamat or Doom’s day : Everybody knows that Qiamat will occur at-a-time on Friday, 10th of Muharram i.e. ‘Ashura’ throughout the whole world. Due to 3 types of Hijri Calendars and starting/ending of Ramadan in 3 groups, it is not clear which calendar the doom’s day will follow. Since Bangaldesh, India & Pakistan always follow the third calendar, there is every possibility of doom’s day coming to these countries one or two days later. It will be a good luck for us, but there is no chance like this. It proves that, there will be only one Hijri calendar in the world.
  1. ‘Lailatil Q’dar :  Sura Q’dar, Ayat 97:1 says, “Inna anjalnahu phi lailatil Q’dar.” It means, “Surely we have revealed this (Qur’an) in the night of power (honour).” This night of power can never be more than one in the world. This indicates that there will be only one Hijri calendar in the world.
  1. Hadith says; “When the month of Ramadan starts all the doors of the skies and heavens are opened and the hells are closed”-(Bukhari-Muslim). By all considerations, this cannot be a piecemeal job, rather single day affair.
  1. Hadith says; “On the 1st night of Ramadan Devil and bad Jinns are enchained” (Tirmizi-IbnMaja). It indicates starting of Ramadan on the same day throughout  the whole world.
  1. Hadith says; “Ummat-e Mohammadi is pardoned on the last night of Ramadan (Eid)”-(Ahmad-Nasayee-Ibn-Maja). This night will also be only one throughout the world. 

Many of our prayer’s (rituals) are getting spoiled due to wrong counting of our Lunar months. I refrain from quoting many more examples to shorten the write-up. Muslim Ummah should, therefore, follow a unified single World Hijri Calendar. Until we get a Unified Single World Hijri Calendar, we can blindly follow Saudi Arabia to bring down the level of our losses to a minimum. Let us follow the Islamic Sharia properly which is one & the same for all and does not vary from country to country. 

Engr. Mohammad Enamul Huq

Ex-DG, Telecommunications Staff Collage, Bangladesh.

Member (Retd.), Bangladesh T&T Board, Dhaka.

Managing Trustee, Darul Ihsan Trust/University, Dhaka.

Co-ordinator, Real Hijri Calendar Implementation Council, Bangladesh.

Secretary,  Majlisu Darsil Ilm, Kalabagan, Dhaka.

Phone : +88-02-8110810, 01819-237656, e-mail :


Presently, world Muslim Ummah is following 2/3 Hijri Calendars and performing Ramadan/Eid in 2/3 days country wise. Whereas, order of Allah is available in Qur’an to perform Ramadan/Eid worldwide on the same day. But we do not know it, understand it and as such do not obey it. We count a day by 24 hours and within this time perform salat five times. Allah instructed the mankind to count months on the basis of new moons. But we do not do it or knowingly avoid it. We are habituated to count a year by 365 days. As such, our solar year becomes 11 days more in comparison to the Hijri year of 12 lunar months. At present, we can prepare Unified Single World Hijri Calendar on the basis of Qur’an, Sunnah and Astronomical science. Only 4/5 countries including Bangladesh, India and Pakistan count 12 lunar months by naked-eye moon-sighting within their own territory. All other countries in the world follow Hijri Calendar by calculation on the basis of Astronomical science. It is quite possible to perform Ramadan/Eid on the same day, if Hijri Calendar is followed by the world Muslim Ummah. But we do not do this. As a result, our 2 out of 5 main religious functions i.e. Ramadan and Hajj together with many other Fard, Wajib, Sunna & Nafal prayers are getting spoiled.

Some information about preparation of a Real Hijri Calendar :-

1.  Hijri year counting: There is no Hadith regarding number of months that will make a Hijri year. The reason is, in Sura At-Tawba, Ayat 9:36 Allah has said about 1420 years before that, “From the day of creation of the skies and earth, the number of months in a year is 12 in His law.” As such, we count a Hijri year with 12 lunar months.

2.  Lunar month counting : Hadith says that, “You start fasting by seeing new-moon and give up fasting by seeing new-moon.” This Hadith tells us how we shall keep fasting in the month of Ramadan. Rasul (Pbuh) did not give us any ‘sanad’ (permission) to  count 12  lunar months with the help of this ‘Saom’s’ Hadith . Again no such Hadtih is said by Rasul (Pbuh) as to how 12 lunar months are to be counted. There is only one reason behind this. And that reason is Sura Baqara, Ayat 2:189 (part) which says, “They ask you about the (12) new-moons. Say, these are the starters (of 12 months) for the mankind and (fixing date) for Hajj”. As such, the mankind will have to start 12 lunar months with the help of 12 new-moons. In that case, we shall get a single lunar month worldwide whereby all of us will be able to start Ramadan or perform Eid on the same day. Qur’an do not tell us to see the new moon. But Saom’s Hadith tells us to see the new-moon, because at that time it was not possible to count lunar months as per instructions of Holy Qur’an. That is why Rasul (pbuh) has shown us the best possible way through Hadith at that time. In the same manner, it can be said that Hadiths for determining Salat timings with the help of shadow of stick were the best possible way at that time. Now, we almost have forgotten the Hadiths of Salat by getting watch. By this, no Hadith can be said to have been abandoned. Although no Hadith is available for using watch, we perform our ‘Salat’ & ‘Saom’ with the help of it. In the same way, by following a unified single lunar month, we can perform ‘Saom/Eid in one day.  

3. Counting of Days : Hadith says that, ‘29/30 days make a lunar month.’ For this reason, we need to count days. Again, we find in many Ayats of the Holy Qur’an that one night and one day make a complete day. Moreover, within a complete day of 24 hours, performing five times salat is made compulsory for us by Allah. Muslim Ummah counts a complete day from one sunset to another sunset. As such, presently, we count a day in second, minute and hour by watch, which is also a contribution of Astronomical science.

4.  Hijri Calendar: Allah has said in Sura Ar-Rahman, Ayat 55:5 that, “The sun and the moon move according to fixed calculations.” As such, we count a day by sun, a lunar month by moon and a Hijri year by 12 months. This is, in fact, the system of Allah prescribed for the whole mankind of the world and is called Hijri Calendar. But we do not know it or even do not try to understand it. Allah is so great that He has given all of us such a unique natural process for our convenience.  But we have accepted the first part of his Ayat (55:5) and kept in abeyance the second part of it. How come, it is possible. We should, therefore, follow this Hijri calendar of Allah and perform Ramadan/Eid etc. on the same day/date throughout the whole world. May Allah bless us all and give proper understanding to follow His guidelines.  

Some related facts : –

1. Seeing has got 3 meanings:  i) Seeing by naked eye,  ii) Seeing by the eye of knowledge and  iii) Seeing through dream. An easy example of the first two meanings is Dhaka-London flight. At the beginning of the flight, the plane will be visible for some time by naked eye and at the end it will also be visible for some time by naked eye. But at the middle, the plane will remain invisible to us. For this we are to blame our limited eye sight and not the plane itself. As such, we must have to see the plane by the eye of knowledge, during the unseen period, with the help of telescope or by gathering information through wireless communication.   

2. New-moon (Black-moon or Dark-moon) : During the first half day and last half day of any lunar month we shall never see the narrow moon by naked eye from any place on the earth which is 239 thousand miles away from the moon. During rest of the period, we shall see the increasing & decreasing moon by naked eye. But during the new-moon (i.e. back or dark-moon) stage the increasing new-moon and decreasing old-moon exists in the sky. At this time, we shall have to see the moon by the eye of knowledge with the help of telescope or by calculation as per Qur’an (2:189-part, 55:5). This unseen period of the thin moon is called new-moon (Black or Dark-moon).

3.  Salat timings : Muslims perform all salats depending upon local position of the sun. Accordingly, Friday’s Jum’a Salat is performed on the same day & date within 24 hours by the world Muslim Ummah, at about 1pm as per local time of every place. In the same way all salats (including Eid salats) are to be performed by maintaining time differences word over. It proves that a Unified World Hijri Calendar is to be followed by us. In that case, Bangladesh will be able to start ‘Saom’ and perform Eid salats 3hours before Saudi Arabia on the same day & date. As a result 1or 2 days delay will be automatically abolished.  

4.  Full-moon occurs at the middle of the month: – Full-moon generally occurs during sunset of the 14th day of every lunar month. But as per local Hijri calendar and local pocket calendar books of Bangladesh, full-moon occurs during sunset of the 12th day of the lunar month. A lunar month which do not match with the new-moon and full-moon stages, can not be called a lunar month. For this reason 2/3 Hijri caledars are being used in different places of the world.   

5.  Holy Hajj : Everybody in the present day world can see through TV that Holy Hajj is being held in the field of Arafa in Mecca on the 9th of Jilhajj every year. Due to 2/3 types of Hijri calendar, this date will vary in other countries. What  they will do with the separate dates of  9th Jilhajj ? Hence, it can be said that Eidul Adha salat and ‘Qurbani’ of other two groups are definitely getting spoiled every year. The fate of their Ramadan and Eidul Fitr Salat must be the same. It proves that there will be only one Hijri Calendar in the world.

6.  Qiamat or Doom’s day : Everybody knows that Qiamat will occur at-a-time on Friday, 10th of Muharram i.e. ‘Ashura’ throughout the whole world. Due to 3 types of Hijri Calendars and starting/ending of Ramadan in 3 groups, it is not clear which calendar doom’s day will follow. Since Bangaldesh, Indaia & Pakistan always follow the third calendar, there is every possibility of Doom’s day coming to these countries one or two days later. It will be a good luck for us. But there is no guarantee. It proves that there will be only one Hijri calendar in the world.

7.  ‘Lailatil Qadr :  Sura Q’dar, Ayat 97:1 says, “Inna anjalnahu phi lailatil Q’dar.” It means, “Surely we have revealed this (Qur’an) in the night of power (honour).” This night of power can never be more than one in the world. This indicates that there will be only one calendar in the world.

8.  Hadith says; “When the month of Ramadan starts all the doors of the skies and heavens are opened and the hells are closed”-(Bukhari-Muslim). By all considerations, this can not be a piecemeal job, rather single day affair.

9.  Hadith says; “On the 1st night of Ramadan Devil and bad Jinns are enchained” (Tirmizi-IbnMaja). It indicates starting of Ramadan on the same day throughout  the whole world.

10.  Hadith says; “Ummat-e Mohammadi is pardoned on the last night of Ramadan (Eid)”-(Ahmad-Nasayee-Ibn-Maja). This night will also be only one throughout the world. 

Many of our prayer’s (rituals) are getting spoiled due to wrong counting of our Lunar months. I refrain from quoting many more examples to shorten the write-up. Muslim Ummah should, therefore, follow a unified single World Hijri Calendar. Until that time, we can blindly follow Saudi Arabia to bring down the level of our losses to a minimum. Let us follow the Islami Sharia properly which is one and the same for all.

Engr. Mohammad Enamul Huq

Ex-DG, Telecommunications Staff Collage, Bangladesh.

Member (Retd.), Bangladesh T&T Board, Dhaka.

Managing Trustee, Darul Ihsan Trust/University, Dhaka.

Co-ordinator, Real Hijri Calendar Implementation

Council, Bangladesh.

Secretary,  Majlisu Darsil Ilm, Kalabagan, Dhaka.

Phone : +88-02-8110810, 01819-237656,

e-mail :


Presently, world Muslim Ummah is following 2/3 Hijri Calendars and performing Ramadan/Eid in 2/3 days country wise. Whereas, order of Allah is available in Qur’an to perform Ramadan/Eid worldwide on the same day. But we do not know it, understand it and as such do not obey it. We count a day by 24 hours and within this time perform salat five times. Allah instructed the mankind to count months on the basis of new moons. But we do not do it or knowingly avoid it. We are habituated to count a year by 365 days. As such, our solar year becomes 11 days more in comparison to the Hijri year of 12 lunar months. At present, we can prepare Unified Single World Hijri Calendar on the basis of Qur’an, Sunnah and Astronomical science. Only 4/5 countries including Bangladesh, India and Pakistan count 12 lunar months by naked-eye moon-sighting within their own territory. All other countries in the world follow Hijri Calendar by calculation on the basis of Astronomical science. It is quite possible to perform Ramadan/Eid on the same day, if Hijri Calendar is followed by the world Muslim Ummah. But we do not do this. As a result, our 2 out of 5 main religious functions i.e. Ramadan and Hajj together with many other Fard, Wajib, Sunna & Nafal prayers are getting spoiled.

Some information about preparation of a Real Hijri Calendar :-

1.  Hijri year counting: There is no Hadith regarding number of months that will make a Hijri year. The reason is, in Sura At-Tawba, Ayat 9:36 Allah has said about 1420 years before that, “From the day of creation of the skies and earth, the number of months in a year is 12 in His law.” As such, we count a Hijri year with 12 lunar months.

2.  Lunar month counting : Hadith says that, “You start fasting by seeing new-moon and give up fasting by seeing new-moon.” This Hadith tells us how we shall keep fasting in the month of Ramadan. Rasul (Pbuh) did not give us any ‘sanad’ (permission) to  count 12  lunar months with the help of this ‘Saom’s’ Hadith . Again no such Hadtih is said by Rasul (Pbuh) as to how 12 lunar months are to be counted. There is only one reason behind this. And that reason is Sura Baqara, Ayat 2:189 (part) which says, “They ask you about the (12) new-moons. Say, these are the starters (of 12 months) for the mankind and (fixing date) for Hajj”. As such, the mankind will have to start 12 lunar months with the help of 12 new-moons. In that case, we shall get a single lunar month worldwide whereby all of us will be able to start Ramadan or perform Eid on the same day. Qur’an do not tell us to see the new moon. But Saom’s Hadith tells us to see the new-moon, because at that time it was not possible to count lunar months as per instructions of Holy Qur’an. That is why Rasul (pbuh) has shown us the best possible way through Hadith at that time. In the same manner, it can be said that Hadiths for determining Salat timings with the help of shadow of stick were the best possible way at that time. Now, we almost have forgotten the Hadiths of Salat by getting watch. By this, no Hadith can be said to have been abandoned. Although no Hadith is available for using watch, we perform our ‘Salat’ & ‘Saom’ with the help of it. In the same way, by following a unified single lunar month, we can perform ‘Saom/Eid in one day.  

3. Counting of Days : Hadith says that, ‘29/30 days make a lunar month.’ For this reason, we need to count days. Again, we find in many Ayats of the Holy Qur’an that one night and one day make a complete day. Moreover, within a complete day of 24 hours, performing five times salat is made compulsory for us by Allah. Muslim Ummah counts a complete day from one sunset to another sunset. As such, presently, we count a day in second, minute and hour by watch, which is also a contribution of Astronomical science.

4.  Hijri Calendar: Allah has said in Sura Ar-Rahman, Ayat 55:5 that, “The sun and the moon move according to fixed calculations.” As such, we count a day by sun, a lunar month by moon and a Hijri year by 12 months. This is, in fact, the system of Allah prescribed for the whole mankind of the world and is called Hijri Calendar. But we do not know it or even do not try to understand it. Allah is so great that He has given all of us such a unique natural process for our convenience.  But we have accepted the first part of his Ayat (55:5) and kept in abeyance the second part of it. How come, it is possible. We should, therefore, follow this Hijri calendar of Allah and perform Ramadan/Eid etc. on the same day/date throughout the whole world. May Allah bless us all and give proper understanding to follow His guidelines.  

Some related facts : –

1. Seeing has got 3 meanings:  i) Seeing by naked eye,  ii) Seeing by the eye of knowledge and  iii) Seeing through dream. An easy example of the first two meanings is Dhaka-London flight. At the beginning of the flight, the plane will be visible for some time by naked eye and at the end it will also be visible for some time by naked eye. But at the middle, the plane will remain invisible to us. For this we are to blame our limited eye sight and not the plane itself. As such, we must have to see the plane by the eye of knowledge, during the unseen period, with the help of telescope or by gathering information through wireless communication.   

2. New-moon (Black-moon or Dark-moon) : During the first half day and last half day of any lunar month we shall never see the narrow moon by naked eye from any place on the earth which is 239 thousand miles away from the moon. During rest of the period, we shall see the increasing & decreasing moon by naked eye. But during the new-moon (i.e. back or dark-moon) stage the increasing new-moon and decreasing old-moon exists in the sky. At this time, we shall have to see the moon by the eye of knowledge with the help of telescope or by calculation as per Qur’an (2:189-part, 55:5). This unseen period of the thin moon is called new-moon (Black or Dark-moon).

3.  Salat timings : Muslims perform all salats depending upon local position of the sun. Accordingly, Friday’s Jum’a Salat is performed on the same day & date within 24 hours by the world Muslim Ummah, at about 1pm as per local time of every place. In the same way all salats (including Eid salats) are to be performed by maintaining time differences word over. It proves that a Unified World Hijri Calendar is to be followed by us. In that case, Bangladesh will be able to start ‘Saom’ and perform Eid salats 3hours before Saudi Arabia on the same day & date. As a result 1or 2 days delay will be automatically abolished.  

4.  Full-moon occurs at the middle of the month: – Full-moon generally occurs during sunset of the 14th day of every lunar month. But as per local Hijri calendar and local pocket calendar books of Bangladesh, full-moon occurs during sunset of the 12th day of the lunar month. A lunar month which do not match with the new-moon and full-moon stages, can not be called a lunar month. For this reason 2/3 Hijri caledars are being used in different places of the world.   

5.  Holy Hajj : Everybody in the present day world can see through TV that Holy Hajj is being held in the field of Arafa in Mecca on the 9th of Jilhajj every year. Due to 2/3 types of Hijri calendar, this date will vary in other countries. What  they will do with the separate dates of  9th Jilhajj ? Hence, it can be said that Eidul Adha salat and ‘Qurbani’ of other two groups are definitely getting spoiled every year. The fate of their Ramadan and Eidul Fitr Salat must be the same. It proves that there will be only one Hijri Calendar in the world.

6.  Qiamat or Doom’s day : Everybody knows that Qiamat will occur at-a-time on Friday, 10th of Muharram i.e. ‘Ashura’ throughout the whole world. Due to 3 types of Hijri Calendars and starting/ending of Ramadan in 3 groups, it is not clear which calendar doom’s day will follow. Since Bangaldesh, Indaia & Pakistan always follow the third calendar, there is every possibility of Doom’s day coming to these countries one or two days later. It will be a good luck for us. But there is no guarantee. It proves that there will be only one Hijri calendar in the world.

7.  ‘Lailatil Qadr :  Sura Q’dar, Ayat 97:1 says, “Inna anjalnahu phi lailatil Q’dar.” It means, “Surely we have revealed this (Qur’an) in the night of power (honour).” This night of power can never be more than one in the world. This indicates that there will be only one calendar in the world.

8.  Hadith says; “When the month of Ramadan starts all the doors of the skies and heavens are opened and the hells are closed”-(Bukhari-Muslim). By all considerations, this can not be a piecemeal job, rather single day affair.

9.  Hadith says; “On the 1st night of Ramadan Devil and bad Jinns are enchained” (Tirmizi-IbnMaja). It indicates starting of Ramadan on the same day throughout  the whole world.

10.  Hadith says; “Ummat-e Mohammadi is pardoned on the last night of Ramadan (Eid)”-(Ahmad-Nasayee-Ibn-Maja). This night will also be only one throughout the world. 

Many of our prayer’s (rituals) are getting spoiled due to wrong counting of our Lunar months. I refrain from quoting many more examples to shorten the write-up. Muslim Ummah should, therefore, follow a unified single World Hijri Calendar. Until that time, we can blindly follow Saudi Arabia to bring down the level of our losses to a minimum. Let us follow the Islami Sharia properly which is one and the same for all.

Engr. Mohammad Enamul Huq

Ex-DG, Telecommunications Staff Collage, Bangladesh.

Member (Retd.), Bangladesh T&T Board, Dhaka.

Managing Trustee, Darul Ihsan Trust/University, Dhaka.

Co-ordinator, Real Hijri Calendar Implementation

Council, Bangladesh.

Secretary,  Majlisu Darsil Ilm, Kalabagan, Dhaka.

Phone : +88-02-8110810, 01819-237656,

e-mail :