Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode – 15 There is no provision or justification in observing 27/28 or 31/32 days fasting in Ramadan.

There is no provision or justification in observing 27/28 or 31/32 days fasting in Ramadan.

  1. In Ramadan, thousands of devotees from around the world come to Mecca for the purpose of kiyamul lyle or Etekaaf.
  2. Many amongst them come after starting their fasting in their own country 1-2 days earlier or 1-2 days later than Saudi Arabia.
  3. After arriving at Mecca, they all end Ramadan together and celebrate Eid.
  4. Due to difference in starting Ramadan, they become bound to miss 1-2 days fasting or perform 1-2 days more fasting.
  5. If single Hijri calendar would have been followed worldwide, then this difference would not have occurred. Such differences cannot be acceptable in Islam.
  6. This proves that we are committing mistakes by not following single Islamic calendar worldwide. Hence, it is essential for us to follow single Hijri calendar and that is a must. In fact, saying of Qur’an & Hadith are correct but we do not understand.
  7. As such, it is very important for Muslim Ummah to accept and follow a single “World Hijri Calendar”.

Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode – 14 If new-moon is sighted in one country, then all other countries will have to start Ramadan & observe Eid.

If new-moon is sighted in one country, then all other countries will have to start Ramadan & observe Eid.

  1. In Bangladesh, there is a “National Moon Sighting Committee”.
    1. The job of this committee is to inform the citizen, about sighting of new-moon anywhere in Bangladesh.
    1. The committee does not hesitate to announce the new-moon sighting of Jessore, Thakurgaon or Shatkhira to all, even if it is not sighted at Dhaka or any other place.
    1. Questions may arise, as to why people of those areas will keep fast, where new-moon is not sighted?
    1. If people of some area of a country can start Ramadan without sighting the new-moon, then why can’t the people of the neighboring countries start Ramadan?
    1. With this logic, it can easily be said that, if new-moon is sighted in one country, all other countries will have to start fasting or observe Eid. Reason behind this is that, the earth is round for which the 1st new moon will be seen from only few countries and never from all the countries of the world at a time.
    1. Difference in places of  moon rise or border of a country is not the pre-condition for sighting of the new-moon –
      1. In ayat no. 2:189, Allah (swt) has said that the whole mankind is to start 12 months unitedly with the help of 12 new-moons. He did

not say to count months separately in different countries.

  • Rasul (pbuh) also instructed the entire Muslim Ummah to start Ramadan by sighting new moon. But he did not tell the people of any area or country to do so separately.
    • Why did we introduce the system of sighting the new-moon on different days in different countries, by disobeying the rule set by Allah (swt) or His Rasul (pbuh)?
    • As additional references, other than 4 Mazhabs, following Hadith and books on Fatwa may be consulted-  
  • Muslim Sharif -1/347
  • Fathul Bari Fi sarhe

saheeheel Bokhari – 4/154

  • Tirmizi sharif – 148
  • Abu Daud – 320
  • Ibn Maza – 119
  • Nasayi – 231
  • Mishkat – 174
  • Al Muntaka Fi Sharhil

Muatta – 2/137

  • Bazlul Mazahud Fi Halli Abu

Daud – 11/107

  • Mayarifus sunan – 5/337
  • Fatwaye Shami – 2/99,105
  • Fatwaye Alamgiri – 1/158,198
  • Fatwaye Darul Ulum – 6/385
  • Majmuaye Fatwa – 358
  • Azizul Fatwa – 422
  • Fatwaye Kazikhan – 1/198
  • Fatwaye Tatar khania – 2/355
  • Fatwaye Ibn Taimiya – 25/107
  • Fatwaye Rashidiya – 437
  • Fatwaye Bajjaziyah – 4/567
  • Al Fatwa Al Waheda – 1/620
  • Imdadul Mufti – 55
  • Nahrul Fayek Majmuaye

Fatwa – 1/369

  • Fatwaye Azizia – 3/49
  • Al Fiqh Alal Mazhabil

Arbaye -1/550

  • Al Bahrur Rayek – 2/270
  • Kurtubee – 2/197
  • Taqrire Termizee – 22
  • Sharhu Fathil Qadir – 2/243
  • Ramzul Hakayek Sharhu

Kanzuddakkayek – 2/209

  • Hashiatut Tahtabi Ala Marakil

Falah – 359

  • Waqiatul Muftiyeen – 10
  • Majmaul, anhur sharhu

Multakal Abhur – 1/239

  • Al Fikhus sunnah – 1/307
  • Al Mugni – 4/122
  • Tazbinul Hakayek – 2/164
  • Mayariful Madaniyyah – 3/23
  • Miftahun Najjah – 1/432
  • Tanzimul Astat – 1/41
  • Behesti Jewor – 11/510
  • Fathul Mulhem – 3/113
  • Jameur Ramuj – 156
  • Muratal Manajih – 2/143
  • Tarikhal Islam – 2/188
  • Al Kafi – 1/468

Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode – 13 Bangladesh has got an extraordinarily astonishing great news. But qiyamat will be held in a single moment & not in 2/3 stages.

Bangladesh has got an extraordinarily astonishing great news. But qiyamat will be held in a single moment & not in 2/3 stages.

  1. Generally, Ramadan starts & Eid is held in Bangladesh 1-2 days later than Kingdom of SaudiArabia (KSA).
  2. It means, generally we sight the new-moon 1-2 days later than KSA.
  3. When it is 3rd day of lunar month in KSA, it is 1st day in Bangladesh and 3rd day will come to us 2 more days later.
  4. Similarly, when it is 10th of Muharram i.e. the day of Ashura in KSA, then in Bangladesh, it is 8th of Muharram.
  5. When Qiyamat will be held on Friday on the day of Ashura in KSA, then in Bangladesh, the day of Ashura & Qiyamat, is supposed to be held 2 days later.
  6. So, Bangladesh will get a scope for going into eternity after doing Towbatunnasuha, 2 days before the Qiyamat.
  7. Isn’t that astonishingly great & unique good news for the people of Bangladesh?
  8. Whereas, everybody knows that Qiyamat will be held at a time on Friday the 10th of Muharram i.e. on the day of Ashura throughout the whole world. [Ref: Muslim Sharif, Juma EPISODE (the bountings of Juma day), Hadith – 1853, 1854]
  9. There has to be a single Islamic calendar throughout the whole world if Qiyamat is to be held on the same day, and

no question can arise of more than one calendar.

Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode – 12 Religious events cannot be held in the world on 2/3 consecutive days.

Religious events cannot be held in the world on 2/3 consecutive days.

  1. It is seen that every year Ramadan is started & Eid is held in different countries worldwide on 2/3 consecutive days.
  2. If this is the rule for counting lunar months, then there will be 3 types of Arabic calendars in the world by showing or fixing up Hijri new year’s day i.e. 1st Muharram, Ashura i.e. 10th Muharram, 1st Ramadan, 27th Ramadan, Eidul Fitr, Eidul Azha on 2/3 days.
  3. Due to differences in dates, the above events will be held on 3 consecutive days in various areas of the world.
  4. Can Allah (swt) make such a queer, unjust and unnatural arrangement for one Muslim Ummah having one kalema and one religion Islam? The answer to this question will be, ‘absolutely no’.
  5. If we accept this misrule, then (a) Ramadan will commence on 3 consecutive days, (b) Eid will be held on 3 consecutive days, (c) Ashura will be held on 3 consecutive days, (d) Even Qiyamat is supposed to be held on 3 days covering 3 areas. What will you call it?
  6. The Islamic events of devoted Muslims, which are disturbed due to variations of lunar month, are enumerated as (a) Fard or compulsory fasting of Ramadan (b) The two Eids (c) Takbire Tashriq (d) Hajj  (e) The animal sacrifice (f) zakat and sadaqa (g) Ashura (h) Shabe Qadr (i) Shabe Baraat (j) Fastings of other months (k) The Nafal prayers of every day& night (l) The Nafal prayers of every week/month etc.
  7. So, there should be one Islamic calendar for the entire mankind and entire Muslim Ummah must follow it, like one solar calendar.

Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode – 11 If one earth can make a single day, then why one moon cannot make a single month?

If one earth can make a single day, then why one moon cannot make a single month?

  1. Presently, the lunar month is started on several days in several countries. It is seen to vary from 1 to 3 days also.
  2. This variation is unacceptable to all. If somebody tells about any solution, many people would jump up & down by quoting many fatawa to stop the process of its solution. So, no solution comes up.
  3. The total duration in a day throughout the whole world is only 24 hours in English/Solar calendar. Everybody on earth use the same English calendar.
  4. The sun is one, the earth is one and the moon is also one. If one earth can make a single day, then why one moon cannot make a single month?
  5. Whenever the new moon will be first sighted anywhere in the world, that is to be known as new moon.
  6. Next day, this new-moon will become old-moon to all the

people of that area. But next day the moon will be bigger in size & will last longer. Although, on the 2nd day, people from the expanded area will see the moon newly, yet this new moon is bound to be known as one day’s old moon to the people of the world.

  • A child, born on the 1st day, becomes one day old on the 2nd day. On the 2nd day, even if it is called a new-born baby, factually it is already one day old. A girl married on the 1st day, may be called a newly married lady on the 2nd /3rd day or even up to 2/3 months. But factually she is 2/3 days or 2/3 months old bridegroom. In the same way, a new-moon, seen on the 1st day, can never be known to any person of the world, as a new-moon on the 2nd day. This is true like a broad day light. It cannot be a difficult matter to understand or to make anybody understand.
  • As such, there cannot be more than one new moon in the same month on the same earth. Therefore, the 1st day of the month will start with the rise of the 1st new moon and the 2nd day will start after 24 hours.
  • In this way, people of the whole world will start Ramadan & perform Eid within 24 hours.

Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode- 10 The Muslim Ummah will perform Ramadan /Eid on the same date worldwide.

The Muslim Ummah will perform Ramadan /Eid on the same date worldwide.

  1. Rasul (pbuh) has said in Tirmiji Sharif’s Hadith no. 697,

اَلصَّوْمُ يَـوْمَ تَـصُوْمُوْنَ وَالْـفِطْرُ يَوْمَ تُـفْطِرُوْنَ وَاْلأَضْحٰى  يَوْمَ تُـضَحُّوْنَ –

      Meaning: “Starting of Ramadan will be on that day in which you will keep fasting, Eidul Fitr will be on that day in which you will break your fasting and Eidul Adha will be on that day in which you will sacrifice animals.

  • Rasul (pbuh) has addressed the world Muslim Ummah by the word ‘you’ in this Hadith. There has got no indication in this Hadith about performing Saom/Eid on different days/dates in the world. Otherwise the world ‘Iyyamun’ in place ‘yaoma’ would be used in the Hadith. As such this Hadith tells us to perform Saom/Eid on the same date everywhere in the world. 
  • We have heard that Islam will be fully established in the world before coming of the Doom’s day.
  • In Sura Nisa, ayat no. 4:159, Allah (swt) has said that, “After rearrival of Isa (Al) to this world everyone will surely bring his faith on him.”
  • In Muslim Sharif, EPISODE Iman, Hadith – 297, it has been described that, “Before Qeyamat, oneday the Poll-tax levied on non-Moslim subjects will be abolished. That is, no non-Muslim will remain alive to pay poll-tax.
  • Then the entire world will be considered to be one state and Ramadan/Eid will be observed on the same day/date.
  • Then, why Muslim Ummah is not observing Ramadan & Eid on the same date now, which has been instructed by Allah (swt)?

Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode- 9 One cannot disobey the rulings of Allah (swt).

One cannot disobey the rulings of Allah (swt).

  1. The unit of counting of a year is month, of a month is days and of a day is hours.
  2. Allah (swt) has fixed the no. of months 12 in a year.
  3. The moon will determine the no. of days as 29/30 in a month as stated in sahi Hadith. [Ref: Bokhari Sharif- 1774, 1779 & Muslim–297]
  4. The no. of hours of the day will be determined by the sun.
  5. The sun & moon cannot create any hindrance to the functioning of one another. Everybody is engaged by Allah (swt) to perform its own duty. [Ref: Sura Yasin, ayat 36:40]
  6. We are in need of a day to start the lunar month. The Sun will tell us when & where the day will start with the help of new moon. Accordingly, everyone will start the month as per his own timing.
  7. Juma Salat is not held everywhere on the earth at a time. Similarly, Ramadan & Eid will not be held at a time worldwide.
  8. We need only to start Ramadan or hold Eid on the same date.
  9. There is no scope for creating bottlenecks. Those who will do it will disobey or reject the law of Allah (swt).

Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode- 8 Any Lunar month will be same for the entire world.

Any Lunar month will be same for the entire world.

  1. As ‘Subhe Sadiq’, sunrise, noon, sunset occur everyday in different times (as per Qur’an/Hadith), the timings of everyday Salat & timing of Ramadan keeps changing in different places on the earth.
  2. Timings of salat are supposed to be determined by observing positions of sun daily from all places of the earth.
  3. Even if there is no instruction in Qur’an/ Hadith to determine this daily change in terms of watches, we are determining time by using Christian calendar without any hesitation.
  4. If determination of time with the help of clock is compatible with Shari‘ah, even when we do not see the position of sun with bare eyes, then why determining position of moon by calculation should not be compatible with Shari‘ah?
  5. Since the sun cannot be seen simultaneously from all the places of the round earth, similarly, the new-moon also cannot be seen simultaneously from all places of the earth.
  6. The duration of diurnal movement of earth is one day. In the same way, the duration of orbital movement of the moon is one month.
  7. Day time duration do not change with the variation of sun-rise. In the same way lunar month will not change due to moon-rise variations.
  8. Allah (swt) has Said in Sura Baqara, ayat no. 2: 185, that, “Whosoever from among you, will get this month, must observe fasting.” Four issues are very important in this ayat: (a) Allah (swt) has indicated the whole mankind by using the word “you”(in plural) (b) by saying the word “the month” He meant the month of Ramadan, (c) By using the word, “will get,” He meant getting the month through moon-sighting or knowing through information from others or knowing through calculation. (d) By adding the word “Hu”, He has again particularized the month of Ramadan that will have equal number of days everywhere in the world. 
  9. As such, there will be equal number of days in one Lunar month and there will be no variation in no. of days or variation of timing beyond 24 hours.

Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode- 7 Fasting on Eid day is forbidden or Haram.Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode- 7

Fasting on Eid day is forbidden or Haram.

  1. From the description of Sahih Hadith, we know that fasting on Eid day is Haram. [Ref: Bokhari Sharif – Observing Siam on the day of sacrificial Eid, Hadith – 1866, 1864; Muslim Sharif – fasting on Eid day, Hadith – 2537, 2538; Ibn Majah, P- 124]
  2. If Eid is held on 3 consecutive days, then any two of the 3 parties, get involved in this forbidden act.
  3. It implies that every Muslim will have to observe Eid on the same date (not at a time & not all together). Otherwise, the 2 parties out of 3 will commit great sin.
  4. Who will pay for these mistakes?

Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode- 6 Functions of Sun & Moon are totally different.

Functions of Sun & Moon are totally different.

  1. Everyday a new sun rises in the east & sets in the west.
  2. On the contrary, a new moon appears in the west every      Month and sets in the same western sky.
  3. The moon has got its increase/decrease and new-moon/ full-moon stages. But the sun does not have anything like these. As such the background and functionalities of sun-rise and moon-rise are completely different.
  4. To us, the sun looks permanent & fixed. The earth moves on its orbit around the sun in a year. Therefore, the earth is doing ‘Tabe’ to the sun i.e. obeys the sun. Again the earth rotates once in a day on its own axis. Unless this rotation was held, day/night would not have occurred. This is called the diurnal movement of the earth. This minute arrangement has been made by Almighty Allah (swt), for our daily salat & for Ramadan, together with other facilities. Because of rotation of earth, a day is occured by 24 hours. Actually, the earth makes a day. By moving once around the sun on its orbit, the earth adjusts a year. As such, the sun actually makes a year. 
  5. And the moon also adjusts a month after rotating around the earth on its orbit once in a month. Every month it gives indication to the mankind about arrival of new month with the help of new-moon. By this way the moon is doing ‘Tabe’ to the earth i.e. obeys the earth. As such, it can be said that the moon makes a month. It means that we are to visualize arrival of 12 months with the starting of 12 new-moons and calculate lunar months accordingly.
  6. As such, we cannot compare the sun with the moon. Each has got different job to do. In the same way, a cow cannot be compared with a goat, although both provide us milk & meat. But we cannot use a goat for ploughing, the way a cow can be used. Moreover, the taste and quality of milk & meat is also different.  Both sun & moon determine time for us. But the measurement & duration differ. Their movement & shape are different. So it is foolish to compare one with the other.
  7. Allah (swt) has ordered his slaves in Sura Hud (11:114), Sura Bani Israel (17:78,79), Sura Toaha (20:130), Sura Rum (30:17,18), and Sura Dahr (76:25,26) to establish Salat at the time of Fazar before the sun rises (Fazar), from the time the sun is inclined up to the darkness of night (Zohar, Asar, Magrib & Ish’a), before the sun is set (Asar), at the end period of the day time (Fazar, Asar) and in some part of the night (Magrib, Ish’a, Tahajjod). [Relative reference: a) Bukhari, Salat EPISODE, Hadith-491 to 563. b) Muslim, salat EPISODE of 5 times salat, Hadith-1275]
  8. Allah (swt) has mentioned about sun-rise & sun-set and day /night in respect of salat. But there is no mention of new sun anywhere. So salat will be offered everywhere in the world as per position of sun.
  9. In respect of month, Allah (swt) has clearly mentioned about new-moon. So, the new-moon will ‘start the month’ on the earth and the sun will perform rest of the job.
  10. Rasulullah (pbuh (has said to keep fast after seeing the new moon & break it by seeing new moon. He even said, “You do not keep fast unless you see the new moon and do not break it till you see new moon” [Ref: Bokhari  Sharif–1775, 1772 and Muslim–2371, 2366]
  11. For the sake of debate, one can say, since there is        instruction in Hadith about new moon, so do we have to see a new moon every day? The moon rises every day except on the day of new–moon. Then how do we keep fast after seeing new-moon & break it after seeing new-moon on the day of new-moon? The blind people will never see the moon. So, do they get clemency for not fasting? In Hadith, there is no instruction to begin the month of Ramadan or end the month by seeing the new-moon. What is the explanation of this? This is all about unnecessary debating. Every month including month of Ramadan is supposed to be started by the new moon. In fact Rusul (pbuh) has instructed to begin the ‘Saom’ i.e. fasting by seeing the new moon.
  12. In this Hadith, there is no instruction to keep fast by seeing the new-moon in different countries. Whereas, we are committing this mistake by taking references from various sources. If the above mentioned debates can be termed as unnecessary, then why the job of seeing new-moon in various countries cannot be called unnecessary? If that is done, then the problem related with Lunar month will also get solved.
  13. As said in the book, ‘going to china in quest of knowledge’ means going very far for the purpose. In the same way without taking the meaning of new-moon sighting in its literary meaning, if we count the month from the starting of the new-moon, all our differences in opinion will perish.
  14. It means that in the world we have to count the lunar month with the starting of one new-moon so, there will be

only one Islamic calendar throughout the whole world.