Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode – 23 Accept the suggestion of best possible solution.Lunar Month

Accept the suggestion of best possible solution.

  1. In Qur’an, Allah (swt) has asked the mankind to give Zakat for possessing wealth. But He did not fix up the amount of wealth that can be possessed.
  2. In the same way, Allah (swt) has directed the leader or Ameer of a group or an area to render justice. But the party or area has not been fixed.
  3. In the same context, it can be said that, although the man-made village, union, police station, district, state is essential for mankind; Allah (swt) has not fixed up any boundary line, other than the earth itself.
  4. But there are effective rules and instructions of Shari‘ah for management of everything.
  5. While using Hijri, Ishayi or Bengali year, in all cases, we count a week by 7 days with their names in a common manner & without any exception. Accordingly we make calendars also.
  6. In Christian calendar, these 24-hour days of the week start after mid night.
  7. In Islam, counting of these 24 hour days start after sunset.
  8. After sunset on Thursday, if it is announced that new-moon has been sighted at Shatkhira district and as such there will be Eid tomorrow. Accordingly Eid will be observed on Friday throughout Bangladesh.
  9. Sunset of this Thursday will keep on moving to the west, starting from Shatkhira to Howrah/Kolkata (India) and onward to the west.
  10. As such, on Friday Eid is supposed to be celebrated in India, Oman, KSA & other countries in the west, like us.
  11. In that case it could be seen that all the Muslims have celebrated Eid within 24 hrs throughout the whole world.
  12. Whether in the east or in the west, wherever the new-moon will be sighted, the entire world can celebrate Eid within 24 hours.
  13. Then why the Muslim Ummah is failing to understand & follow the easy language of Holy Qur’an & Hadith? Where lays the real problem? It appears that the real problem lies in determining as to who will follow whom.
  14. Allah (swt) has given the mankind new moon to calculate month and Rasul (pbuh (has instructed his Ummah to begin the Saom with the new moon and end it with another new moon.
  15. To make this arrangement of Allah (swt) effective, the Scientists have created an International Date Line from where the day or date can be started.
  16. The basis of this reference line has been accepted by us irrespective of caste or creed and accordingly we count our week days. In the same context, we offer our Juma prayer on Friday worldwide within 24 hours and as per our own local time.
  17. When we all are performing various religious events by accepting the week days on the basis of International Date Line, in the same context if we determine and count the lunar months, all existing confusion in Islam can be removed for ever.
  18. Since this arrangement, to count lunar month, will be universal & acceptable totally, we must ensure birth of new moon and its sighting with reference to IDL.
  19. With the help of astronomical statistics we shall have to obtain calculations of moon setting after sunset of next 24 hours of IDL along the equator. From this calculation, we shall be able to understand when & where the new moon will be starting in each month. 
  20. With the above statistics and adding 9 hours after IDL, it has to be found out on which date of Christian month, the new moon will begin. In the next 15 hours, the new-moon will definitely be seen. As such new Hijri month will be counted from next day & date after IDL.
  21.  If this universal arrangement of counting lunar month is accepted (like counting of a day by 24 hours), then the Muslim Ummah of the World can observe Ramadan and Eid & other religious events on the same day and date.
  22. By doing so, the orders of Allah (swt) & instructions of Rasul (pbuh) will be implemented correctly as per Shari‘ah.
  23. Accordingly, the “World Hijri Calendar” for 1431-1433 Hijri years as prepared by me on the basis of counting’s of 2010-2012 solar years has been shown in column 9 of the tables given in chapter three.
  24. If my proposed “World Hijri Calendar” is accepted, then there will be unity in world Muslim Ummah and Islami Shari‘ah will become properly established worldwide in moon–based prayers.
  25. I feel that, this proposal is the best method of solving our problems, which is the bounden duty for the Muslim Ummah to accept it.

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