Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode – 22 We have to secure unity by giving up all divisions.

We have to secure unity by giving up all divisions.

  1. Presently, throughout the world, we are observing various religious events in more or less 3 days.

By this way more than 33% accuracy and coordination cannot be achieved.  As such, there is no logic to accept it.

  • If my World Hijri Calendar as proposed in episode-11 & 21, which was made on the basis of statistics received from astronomical data is followed, then the instructions of Shari‘ah could be fulfilled correctly. I don’t have any doubt about it.
  • My suggestion about Hijri calendar mostly coincides with Ummul Qura of KSA and Fiqh council of North America.
  • The Fiqah council of North America has prepared a “World Islamic Calendar” based on moon-sighting in any part of the world. Their calendars have been shown in column-10, of each chart. [Ref: page 199 to 201]
  • They (NAFC) decided to determine single Islamic calendar on the basis of astronomical calculations by following International Date Line (IDL) and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) as adapted universally by all.  
  • As per their decision, on 29th or 30th day of Arabic month, if new-moon starts after sun set before IDL, 1st day of the new lunar month will start from IDL. Otherwise 1st day will start after one day more.
  • Beginning of new moon & sighting of new moon is not the

same thing. Just after beginning, the new moon cannot be sighted. Scientifically there is requirement of a minimum of 12 hours time in between the two.

  • Use of a Conventional Point of Reference (CPR) is very necessary for starting the calculation of lunar months. Religion or religious sentiments are not connected with this CPR. Time determined by watches has no influence over any religion. Rather use of watches help to perform religious events in time. So watches can not be called heathen object. Rather it is a scientific means for establishing Shari‘ah firmly. There cannot have any alternative to calculating time for performing religious events with the help of tools invented by science. In fact, it is essential now.
  • Under such circumstances, the universal arrangement that exists for determining time with the help of IDL & GMT, we can take help from it to calculate lunar month, which will be helpful in following the orders of Shari‘ah properly.
  • As per Qur’an, we are to ensure the new-moon’s starting. If the new moon is starts at 09 hours east of IDL, the 1st day of the new month will start from next date.
  • This is because the new moon will be sighted on the date at 09 hrs east of IDL. On this basis, I have prepared my proposed Hijri Calendar by calculation. This is shown in column-9.
  • Based on the suggestions at sl-4,5&6, the “World Islamic Calendar” prepared by North American Fiqah Council is also shown in column-10 in each table which can be followed in order to start Ramadan or observe Eid on the same day throughout the world. 
  • But my proposed “World Hijri Calendar” given in column-9, is more authentic and justified due to analysis done from various angles.
  • Since we reached the threshold of solving the problem, all of us should come forward with cooperative mind to establish unity among the Muslim Ummah without hesitation and doubt. 
  • This is the best way to solve our problem, which can be taken up right now. If the Ulama accept it, then most of the old differences prevalent in World Muslim Ummah will go away & universal brotherhood will be established.

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