Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode – 21 Unity in Muslim Ummah is to be established by coordinating Qur’an & Sunnah with the help of knowledge & science.

Unity in Muslim Ummah is to be established by coordinating Qur’an & Sunnah with the help of knowledge & science.

  1. In this Episode, I will try to present an easy way of counting of lunar months & calendar, so that common readers can easily understand it.
  2. In the very outset, let me recall that all Muslims are now performing rituals including sunrise, sunset, timings of salat etc. with the help of clocks as per Christian calendar.
  3. The Christian calendar is known as “Gregorian calendar,” which is based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
  4. In order to determine timings, this Universal System has been accurately made as per scientific calculation based on movement of the sun and the earth.
  5. There is no place for religious doctrine or philosophy here. Even question of religious influence does not arise as the matter is only related to time.
  6. Everybody can utilize these time calculations as per his need. Since the instructions of Shari‘ah can be effectively implemented by using time-piece, we have accepted it.
  7. Scientists have already calculated the time of sunrise and sun-set for various places accurately. Similarly, they have done time calculations for moon–rise & moon-setting. As such, at the end of any lunar month whenever at any place on earth, the 1st new-moon sets after sun-set, we are to understand that a new lunar month has started. On this basis, the scientists have already prepared future yearly lunar calendars including their minute details by calculating moon light fractions accurately.
  8. We may get these data from US Naval Observatory through internet easily. [Ref:]
  9. Statistics have already been obtained by me from internet for beginning of new moon and its increasing & decreasing stages as per calendar of English months, against positions of many places on the earth from the year 2006 to 2012 according to astronomical science.       
  10. We can easily & clearly find the beginning & ending of every lunar month from these statistics. The number of days in any month is found to be either 29 or 30.
  11. By using these statistics, and on the basis of beginning of new moon, charts/layouts of 1st days of lunar months from1431 to1433 Hijri years have been made according to solar calendar dates by making eight equal segments along the equator of the earth (See Chapter-3).
  12. From this chart, it can be seen that there is a lack of similarity between other Hijri calendars prepared and followed in different places of the world.
  13. 2/3 days variation in starting a lunar month, as generally we find, is not at all acceptable to anyone.
  14.  Local new-moon sighting and starting of lunar months on this basis are the main root cause of creation of all differences of opinion in the Muslim Ummah.
  15. At present, there are strict instructions in areas/countries to count the lunar month on the basis of local sighting of new moon and to observe Ramadan/Eid. In the true sense, Allah (swt) and His Rasul (pbuh) did not say so. Those who say so, in practice they act in the reverse. Their reverse practice mainly directs us towards obeying orders of Allah (swt). Their adopted policy is, whether big or small, or if the country is spread over thousands of miles, wherever, the moon is sighted the rest of the country will have to observe Ramadan /Eid accordingly. If this would have been the concept, then there should not be any difficulty in observing Ramadan/Eid in rest of the world, after obtaining information of new-moon sighting from any corner of the earth. In fact, Allah (swt) wishes the same.
  16. From the chart of serial no-11, it is evident that, in order to make sure the new-moon-sighting, the Saudi Arabia based Ummul Qura (approved institution of KSA), starts some lunar months one day later than other places of the world. This cannot be a job to be supported.
  17. Interesting thing is that, Bangladesh starts the lunar months even 1 or 2 days later than KSA. I do not find any justification or sharia basis in it. 
  18. After analyzing the chart mentioned in para-11 of this

episode and considering new-moon rise after IDL, I have proposed a universal “World Hijri Calendar” in the 9th column of the charts presented in page 199 to 201 of this book. In this proposal due considerations were made for astronomical time gap requirement of a minimum of 12 hours between beginning of the new-moon and sighting of the new-moon.

  1. This calendar is supposed to be acceptable to all. In that case, oneness & overall co-ordination may be achieved among world Muslim Ummah. At the same time, Islami Shari‘ah in this respect will be established worldwide perfectly.
  2. This co-ordinated & suggested calendar is mainly based on Qur’an, Hadith & astronomy, which can be realized after a little deep thinking. In it lies the true element of effectively establishing Islamic Shari‘ah in respect of Saom/Eid etc. as per Qur’an & Sunnah and also on the basis of universal thoughts & inspirations.
  3. In my proposed Hijri Calendar for 2011 solar year, I suggested to start Ramadan on 01-08-11 and observe Eid on 30-08-11. In fact, almost all the countries including KSA have followed my Calendar. As such, my calculations have been found to be accurate.
  4. I’m making a fervent appeal to all to accept my co-ordinated suggestion for establishing a “World Hijri Calendar”. Then the Muslim Ummah will be able to get rid from all divisions & can go a long way to the path of unity.

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