Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode – 19 There cannot be more than one new moon in the same month on earth.

There cannot be more than one new moon in the same month on earth.

  1. Light of the sun directly falls on earth.
  2. Because of diurnal movement, the sunrise & sunset can be seen within 24 hours from almost all places on earth
  3. According to time difference, we count day/night world- wide and offer Salat & fasting. Allah (swt) instructed this.
  4. In case of moon, such timings are not at all applicable. Because new moon will be seen once in a month. Those who talk about appearance of several new-moons in a month are living in on illogical state of serious blunder.
  5. With one sun-rise we count a day in the world by 24 hours. Similarly, we shall have to count only one lunar month in the world with the help of a new-moon.
  6. We observe the increase & decrease of moon from the earth due to variations in rise & setting of moon & sun.
  7. Full moon occurs, when there is a simultaneous rising of moon in eastern sky & sunset in the western sky. Again there occurs a new-moon, when sun & moon set together in the western sky.
  8. After the dark stage, when the sunset is followed by the moon set in the western sky, we can see the new-moon whose duration is small. By this way counting of a month starts with the help of new-moon.
  9. Hence, lunar month will start in the world with the help of a new-moon. There will be moon–rise in subsequent days. But those will be rise of old moons. Allah (swt) has said about the movement of moon clearly in Sura Yasin, ayat 2:189. After that there exists no scope for not understanding it?
  10. There cannot exist more than one lunar calendar for the same month & for the same year in the world. This is not also the natural rule of Allah (swt). We posses less knowledge and we want to know less. In fact, there must be only one Hijri Calendar which has got connection with the Hijrat.
  11. Whenever anybody talks about new moon-rise, the theory of time difference due to sun-rise is dragged in, which is nothing but a cock and bull story.
  12. Those who do not understand about the movement and disposition of the sun, the earth, the moon, day, night & their variations, diurnal & annual movement, new moon & full moon, lunar & solar eclipses etc, they can speak anything. Knowledgeable persons must come forward in order to get rid of these so-called innocent and ignorant people.

By following the calendars prepared on the basis of lunar months as calculated by Astronomical scientists, if the orders of Allah (swt) and instruction of Rasul (pbuh) are obeyed, it should be a Fard (Compulsory to obey) duty for the Muslim Ummah to accept.

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