Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode – 17 The Scientists can tell about position of new-moon in advance by calculation.Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode – 17

The Scientists can tell about position of new-moon in advance by calculation.

  1. People can tell accurately by calculation when the sunrise

and sunset will occur at any place of the world by hour, minute and second.

  • For sending rockets to moon, the scientists can accurately calculate the speed of rocket & position of moon. They proved it through landing on the surface of the moon.
  • The scientists are well aware or can tell by calculation from which part of the world, the new-moon will be sighted on 29/30th day of lunar month. As per their calculation, universal lunar calendars have already been prepared up to 4999 Hijri year.
  • In that case, it is possible to follow single Arabic or lunar calendar just like the solar one. At least the instructions of Qur’an Say so.
  • For this reason, Allah (swt) has clearly said in Sura Ar Rahman ayat 55:5 that “the sun & the moon move as per fixed calculation”.
  • The way Muslim Ummah of the world offer Juma prayer on Friday as per English calendar, the same way the Muslim Ummah can observe Juma, Ramadan, 2 Eids by following single Arabic calendar.
  • That means, all Muslims of the world can start Ramadan fasting on the same date and perform Eid on the same date. And no problem will arise on that account. Our ignorance is responsible for it. I can cite few examples.
  • We can see that, many mosques in Bangladesh, kept hanging English timetable signboards with the slogan of “Permanent timings of Salat”. What is the logic of this?
  • If the world is not permanent, then how the calendar can be called permanent?
  • We consider the Qur’an, Mecca & Medina as sacred. Whereas in Bangladesh, many religious functions are being termed as great sacred. Is there any justification for calling it so i.e. more sacred than our sacred things or places. It means that they are “more Christian than the Christ himself”.
  • In order to regain the lost glory & tradition of Islam, we must have to advance ourselves in knowledge & science. In other words, as per direction of Allah (swt), we have to make research on Qur’an, which is the greatest science of all times and follow it.

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