Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode- 7 Fasting on Eid day is forbidden or Haram.Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode- 7

Fasting on Eid day is forbidden or Haram.

  1. From the description of Sahih Hadith, we know that fasting on Eid day is Haram. [Ref: Bokhari Sharif – Observing Siam on the day of sacrificial Eid, Hadith – 1866, 1864; Muslim Sharif – fasting on Eid day, Hadith – 2537, 2538; Ibn Majah, P- 124]
  2. If Eid is held on 3 consecutive days, then any two of the 3 parties, get involved in this forbidden act.
  3. It implies that every Muslim will have to observe Eid on the same date (not at a time & not all together). Otherwise, the 2 parties out of 3 will commit great sin.
  4. Who will pay for these mistakes?

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