Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode- 6 Functions of Sun & Moon are totally different.

Functions of Sun & Moon are totally different.

  1. Everyday a new sun rises in the east & sets in the west.
  2. On the contrary, a new moon appears in the west every      Month and sets in the same western sky.
  3. The moon has got its increase/decrease and new-moon/ full-moon stages. But the sun does not have anything like these. As such the background and functionalities of sun-rise and moon-rise are completely different.
  4. To us, the sun looks permanent & fixed. The earth moves on its orbit around the sun in a year. Therefore, the earth is doing ‘Tabe’ to the sun i.e. obeys the sun. Again the earth rotates once in a day on its own axis. Unless this rotation was held, day/night would not have occurred. This is called the diurnal movement of the earth. This minute arrangement has been made by Almighty Allah (swt), for our daily salat & for Ramadan, together with other facilities. Because of rotation of earth, a day is occured by 24 hours. Actually, the earth makes a day. By moving once around the sun on its orbit, the earth adjusts a year. As such, the sun actually makes a year. 
  5. And the moon also adjusts a month after rotating around the earth on its orbit once in a month. Every month it gives indication to the mankind about arrival of new month with the help of new-moon. By this way the moon is doing ‘Tabe’ to the earth i.e. obeys the earth. As such, it can be said that the moon makes a month. It means that we are to visualize arrival of 12 months with the starting of 12 new-moons and calculate lunar months accordingly.
  6. As such, we cannot compare the sun with the moon. Each has got different job to do. In the same way, a cow cannot be compared with a goat, although both provide us milk & meat. But we cannot use a goat for ploughing, the way a cow can be used. Moreover, the taste and quality of milk & meat is also different.  Both sun & moon determine time for us. But the measurement & duration differ. Their movement & shape are different. So it is foolish to compare one with the other.
  7. Allah (swt) has ordered his slaves in Sura Hud (11:114), Sura Bani Israel (17:78,79), Sura Toaha (20:130), Sura Rum (30:17,18), and Sura Dahr (76:25,26) to establish Salat at the time of Fazar before the sun rises (Fazar), from the time the sun is inclined up to the darkness of night (Zohar, Asar, Magrib & Ish’a), before the sun is set (Asar), at the end period of the day time (Fazar, Asar) and in some part of the night (Magrib, Ish’a, Tahajjod). [Relative reference: a) Bukhari, Salat EPISODE, Hadith-491 to 563. b) Muslim, salat EPISODE of 5 times salat, Hadith-1275]
  8. Allah (swt) has mentioned about sun-rise & sun-set and day /night in respect of salat. But there is no mention of new sun anywhere. So salat will be offered everywhere in the world as per position of sun.
  9. In respect of month, Allah (swt) has clearly mentioned about new-moon. So, the new-moon will ‘start the month’ on the earth and the sun will perform rest of the job.
  10. Rasulullah (pbuh (has said to keep fast after seeing the new moon & break it by seeing new moon. He even said, “You do not keep fast unless you see the new moon and do not break it till you see new moon” [Ref: Bokhari  Sharif–1775, 1772 and Muslim–2371, 2366]
  11. For the sake of debate, one can say, since there is        instruction in Hadith about new moon, so do we have to see a new moon every day? The moon rises every day except on the day of new–moon. Then how do we keep fast after seeing new-moon & break it after seeing new-moon on the day of new-moon? The blind people will never see the moon. So, do they get clemency for not fasting? In Hadith, there is no instruction to begin the month of Ramadan or end the month by seeing the new-moon. What is the explanation of this? This is all about unnecessary debating. Every month including month of Ramadan is supposed to be started by the new moon. In fact Rusul (pbuh) has instructed to begin the ‘Saom’ i.e. fasting by seeing the new moon.
  12. In this Hadith, there is no instruction to keep fast by seeing the new-moon in different countries. Whereas, we are committing this mistake by taking references from various sources. If the above mentioned debates can be termed as unnecessary, then why the job of seeing new-moon in various countries cannot be called unnecessary? If that is done, then the problem related with Lunar month will also get solved.
  13. As said in the book, ‘going to china in quest of knowledge’ means going very far for the purpose. In the same way without taking the meaning of new-moon sighting in its literary meaning, if we count the month from the starting of the new-moon, all our differences in opinion will perish.
  14. It means that in the world we have to count the lunar month with the starting of one new-moon so, there will be

only one Islamic calendar throughout the whole world.

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