We have to obey Allah (swt)’s order, Rasul (pbuh)’s instruction and opinion given by 4 Mazhabs & OIC.
- As I know, the OIC, which was established in 1969 AD, had held 33 meetings of the Foreign Ministers. Of them, in the 13th, 14th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 25th, 26th, 32nd and 33rd meetings, discussions were made on “Unified Hijri Calendar for the beginning of the Lunar months & unification of Islamic Holidays” after discussion.
- Moreover, out of 12 Islamic Summit Conferences held so far, in 4 meetings including 8th, 9th & 10th, discussion & decision have been made on the above issue.
- The part organization of OIC i.e. Islamic Feqh Academy has given the following decisions back in 1986 –
First: If sighting of the crescent is established in one country, all Muslims must abide by it. The difference in horizon is not relevant because the ordinance for starting and ending the fasting is universal.
Second: It is mandatory to accept the sighting. However, one may get assistance from astronomical calculation and observatories with due consideration to the sayings of the Prophet (Pbuh) and scientific facts. [Ref: Last pages of Chapter three]
- But such a decision could not be implemented effectively due to lack of a favourable response from the Heads of states of Islamic world.
- Some inexperienced Alems of these countries are also greatly responsible for this. Because, they are incapable to analyze Allah (swt)’s desire & Rasul (pbuh)‘s instruction in the light of science. They prefer to follow old sayings. To them, I have a question. While you taught Alif, Be, Te, Se in Bangladesh before independence, then why do you teach Alif, Ba, Ta, Sa now? It means that the previous system was wrong. As such it needed correction.
- Many Ulama of this sub-continent used to say that, (a) it is forbidden to read English, (b) to offer prayer using the mike is forbidden, (c) to view TV is Haraam. Now they do not say so. They even hesitate to curse western democracy and women leadership.
- If somebody tells about uniform starting of lunar month
i.e. new moon, they argue with time differences due to sun-rise variation. They mess up the moon with the sun without understanding their differences in movement.
- They do not want to understand that salat is related only with the Sun and not at all with the moon. The Arabic month starts & ends with the new moon, while sun-rise is needed for counting days only. The relationship of sun & moon has been narrated to us by Almighty Allah (swt) in various suras of the Holy Qur’an, especially in 10:5, 13:2, 21:33, 35:13 (part), 36:38, 39:40 ayats. We cannot drag the sun in the affairs of the moon. Each has different function.
- I feel sorry for those who, are disregarding the sayings of Allah (swt) to the mankind (Annaas), those who are not following the instructions of Rasul (pbuh (to the Muslim Ummah, those who are ignoring the opinion of famous 3 Imams of 4 Madhabs and finally for those who are opposing the decision of OIC. Are they not helping destruction of Islam by keeping the entire Muslim Ummah into various decisions and confusions?
- The non-Muslims trickle such decisions among the Muslims and relish it by keeping it alive. So they are not allowing their friendly Muslim countries to observe Ramadan/Eid on the same date.