Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode- 4 90% opinion of 4 Madhabs is that the boundary of a country is not the pre-condition for new-moon sighting.

90% opinion of 4 Madhabs is that the boundary of a country is not the pre-condition for new-moon sighting.

  1. 3 Imams including Abu Hanifa® from 4 Madhabs have said that, boundary of any country is not the pre-condition for sighting a new-moon. Even they said, fasting will become wajeb in the East, if the new-moon is sighted in the West. [Ref: Al-Helal, written by Dr. Abdullah Al-Maaruf–1988, pages – 2, 3, 4]
  2. The 4th Imam Shafeyi (Ra) had supported it. Then he said,

on the basis of area, new-moon can be sighted. [Ref: Dr. Abdullah Al Maaruf’s Al Helal – 1988, pages 5, 6]

  • So, 90% opinion of 4 Mazhabs goes in favour of observing Ramadan/Eid & other religious events on the same date.
  • More than 95% Muslims of Bangladesh are the followers of Hanafi Madhab. As such, it is more logical for us to follow the decision of majority Imams including Abu Hanifa®.
  • Surprisingly, it is not understood why Bangladesh became follower of Shafeyi Mazhab (Partial) in this respect?
  • So, leaving aside observing Ramadan/Eid on the basis of country/area, the entire Muslim Ummah should observe Ramadan/Eid on the same date, after sighting the first new-moon anywhere in the world.

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