Lunar Month Chapter – 1, Episode- 2 We shall have to calculatet a day by sun, a month by moon and a year by 12 months.

We shall have to calculatet a day by sun, a month by moon and a year by 12 months.

  1. Scientifically bountiful Allah (swt) has made a well- organized natural arrangement for entire mankind of the world by calculation days and months with the help of His created sun & moon.
  2. Every day, new sun rises. Therefore, a complete day is to be counted with the help of sun-rise and sun-set.
  3. By this way, one Friday ends with 24 hours time throughout the whole world. We all offer our Jum’a Salat on the same Friday and date, when the sun is inclined to the west in our own areas. In the same way we offer our 5 waqt salat within 24 hours every day.
  4. Every month in the world, the new moon rises once only. It means, we have to start the month with the help of a new moon. Is not the purpose of creating the moon laying in it?
  5. For the whole world, there is one sun and one moon. The sun makes a day and as such moon will make a month.
  6. In ayat 9:36 of Sura Towba, Allah (swt) has clearly said that ‘from the creation of heavens and earth, the total number of months are 12 as per His rule.’ So 12 months will make 1 year.
  7. If we follow Islamic Calendar (day, month, year), the various religious events (Fasting, Eid etc) will rotate throughout all the seasons of the year (one cycle in 33 solar years). Scientifically bounteous Allah (swt) wishes the same. There is Hikmah (technique) in it.
  8. But, the Christian & Bangla calendars have not been made as per law of Allah (swt). The religious events do not rotate throughout the year in these calendars.
  9. I feel sorry, when I find the mention of above Islamic rule through 72 ayats of 38 suras of Holy Qur’an. Even then the Muslim Ummah remains unaware and is groping in the darkness for decades.
  10. In the Hadiths of Rasul (pbuh), there are instructions to follow above rules by Muslim Ummah of the world.
    [Ref: Bokhari Sharif, EPISODE Ramadan, Hadith1773 to 1779 and Muslim Sharif – Ramadan EPISODE, Hadith – 2366, 2371, 2381, 2382, 2383, 2398, 2399]
  11. Those who plunged the Muslim Ummah in such a big indiscipline will very soon be liable to Allah (swt). Because they could not understand, that Allah (swt) knows everything and as such, creating division about new moon & spoiling the Akhirat (destiny) of pious Muslims. They destroyed the unity of Muslim Ummah by creating such differences.

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